
Violence Against Women : The Meaning Of Violence Against Women

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Violence against women has a wide range of meaning. When someone uses the term “violence against women” one usually thinks about physical abuse against someone of the female gender, but that isn’t the only thing that it stands for. When someone says, “violence against women” they can also be referring to verbal abuse, rape, sexual harassment, and physical abuse. Not just domestic violence.
Many people think that violence against women is just a made-up ideology that holds no meaning, in fact people like the justify it by saying, “men get abused too”, but that doesn’t really help the situation. While men do get abused, it isn’t as big of an issue. That doesn’t mean that one needs to overlook violence against men, it just means that it isn’t a worldwide fear/issue. So, who does it really affect? Why is it that women as more frequently abused? Why is it that women are so often harmed? And why is it that when a woman experiences any act of violence, we stay quiet?
When you hear that a woman has been abused, or harmed in any form or fashion, who do you feel sorry for? Do you feel sorry for her, or everyone around her? The answer is both. When a woman is abused, whether it occurs in her home, her job, or anywhere else, that woman will carry that around with her wherever she goes, and it will affect her future choices, making this such a serious issue. When a woman experiences any form of violence, verbally or physically, it will affect her life in various ways.
In many cases, the act of violence will occur between a man that the woman knows and has known, it is rare that it occurs between strangers, even though that number is rising. When a woman is assaulted, she will tend to stay out of any social activity that would make her have to see or associate with her attacker. When this happens, the entire community will drop and feel the effect. Now take a second to think about how badly it will affect the community when one man is able to assault multiple women or girls in one community. This is often the case for many people.
Domestic Violence seems to be the biggest act of violence, and also the biggest issue in gendered violence. 85% of domestic violence victims in the United States are women, and only 15% are

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