
Violence in Video Games

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In the article from Thom Gillespie states that Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is the latest video game to be known of demeaning our society’s youth in the U.S. He states though however, video games such as GTA are “art” and deserve protection. Moreover, those games just mirror humanity's violent instincts; they do not provoke violence, Gillespie argues. These games also offer chances for debates about ethical issues and the costs of actions. It is known from his writings that Thom Gillespie is a professor of telecommunications and a director of the Masters in Immersive Mediated Environments program at Indiana University in Bloomington. (Gillespie). He mentions in his article that:
He teaches game design at Indiana University in the MIME [Masters in Immersive Mediated Environments] program, so he actually has to study games. He has a research budget, some of which he uses to buy Play Stations and lots of games. He also buys strategy guides because these games are in reality too difficult for a guy with a Ph.D. in information science from the University of California at Berkeley to figure out in a normal time frame, like say, a school term. This term he has been spending a lot of time trying to understand how GTA is corrupting minds and morals. He hasn't figured out the minds-and-morals thing yet, but he has discovered that there are some amazing areas where using GTA in my university classroom with the students is a wildly enlightening experience for both himself and the kids.

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