
Violence in Youth Sports Essay

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Violence in Youth Sports A calm Saturday afternoon at the sports fields, wind blowing, sun shining down, not a cloud in the sky. This is quite possible the perfect day, that is, until they start. The one parent in the back of the crowd or off to the side, the one that argues every call, screams at their own child, and even goes so far as to taunt the other team’s players. This once scarce phenomenon of parents getting out of control has escalated to new levels not only in the number of incidents, but also in the level of severity of these incidents. When children sign up for sports they do it to be with friends, to have fun, and to learn the fundamentals of the game, however this is not what they are getting and this new …show more content…

At a swim meet an irate mother slapped her daughter across the face after her daughter had shown up late for a heat and been disqualified. The mother never bothered to find out why she missed the heat, but as it turned out the daughter had been comforting a friend who had had a lousy race and was sobbing devastated in the locker room. Again the children are doing nothing wrong, or in this case the absolute right thing, and their parents are making them as a result.

Though the aforementioned events are enough of a tragedy at least two worse events have occurred, one leaving a man crippled and the other leaving a man dead. In the first event John Hills, a Lemont little league coach, complained that the other coach, 16-year-old George Loy Jr., was making the calls before the umpires and influencing the game. As the game progressed George Loy Sr. began to tease and antagonize Hills, going so far as to promise to get him after the game. As the sixth inning ended, Hills bent over to pick up his scorebook, only to be driven to the ground with punches and kicks by Loy Sr.. Loy Jr. soon jumped in and was also joined by his uncle, Ted Loy. Together the three of them beat Hills unmercifully. Harry Keeler, a third base coach, helped Hills to his feet only to be assaulted himself. The Loy’s launched one last offensive in which Loy Sr. hit Hills in the face breaking his nose, and Loy Jr. smashed his left knee with an aluminum baseball bat. Hills did not

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