
Essay on Violent Video Games Affect on Youth Today

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In the more recent times it seems as if America’s youth is becoming more violent. Concern for those aspects in our society which influence violent acts has become an issue since the tragedy at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Many feel one aspect of today’s society affecting our nation’s youth in a negative manner is video games. Is this form of entertainment really a factor in teen violence? I think not. We should blame the parents for teen violence, not video games.
John Holts article, “Kinds of Discipline” states that the youth watch very carefully what people around them are doing and want to do the same. The example of these grownups is contagious (490). Now days the media makes it seem like it’s …show more content…

These games are first person. The player sees through the eyes of the electronic eyes of their character, seeing only their own weapon and whatever is in front of them. The game boards are also set up to resemble hospitals, and often areas that are quite similar to school hallways.One must account for the fact that many of the weapons used are those of the sort that do not exist or are only seen in movies. Laser guns and triple barreled grenade launchers are not lifelike and are even less lifelike when used against four-armed monsters.
Ken Schroeder’s 1997 article, “Halving Fun” showed that when confronted with questions concerning the appeal of these games many will say that they enjoy doing things that they “could never do in real life.” In fact, a ten-year-old girl was quoted to say, “a video game with someone smashing a guy’s head in is not going to make the kid go out and smash their friend’s head in (73).” So whether or not they are desensitized to the violence does not necessarily make them more prone to it.
In the article, “Video Violence: Where does the Buck Stop,” Deborah Enders explained that video games are also rated for violence. These ratings do not prevent a kid from buying a violent video game though (27-28). This however could also be the parents’ fault. For most kids it is difficult to come up with the money to buy titles for fifty plus dollars. If parents are giving their kids the money to buy these

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