
Virtual Interaction Through Instant Messenger Chat

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The second component of the study, participants were randomly assigned to engage in a virtual interaction through Instant Messenger Chat or a face-to-face interaction with a partner, including several experimental controls. They were unfamiliar of each other and interacted with an individual of the same sex. Then they were given one of two sets of ‘Getting to know you’’ questions to control the content of the interaction and the topics discussed. For approximately five minutes, the participants discussed about topics relevant to the questions, to gather as much information about each other as they could. For the FTF interaction condition, the members were facing each other in chairs, whereas for the virtual interaction the individual was …show more content…

In addition, argues that the cues associated with FTF interaction are easier to process and provide more reinforcement during social interactions. It was only participants in the FTF interaction condition who displayed intensified satisfaction of basic social needs and increased positive mood, compared to participants in the virtual interaction and no interaction conditions. (There are a variety of reasons as to why FTF communication satisfy social belonging needs more than computer-mediated social interactions. First, FTF interactions involve individuals who are located in physical close proximity and are able to see and here one another. Physical proximity is an indicator of inclusion and acceptance. Second, the synchronicity is high, allowing individuals to interact quickly with one another, facilitating the effortlessness of the interaction. Third, facial expressions are available during FTF interaction, enhancing the connection. Fourth, interaction partners’ body language expresses feelings and emotions. FTF interaction partners also have access to one another’s oral speech and are able to engage using eye contact, which is vital for successful communication. Lastly, FTF interactions allow for the transmission of cues (e.g., pheromones and light touch). FTF, as opposed to virtual social interactions facilitate an amplified sense of social need satisfaction.) However, there were

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