
Virtual Treatment Centerss

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Additionally, VR can also be used as a way to have virtual treatment centers that can help many people. These treatment centers would reduce the amount of space needed to have the treatment for the patient. According to the article, “VR has been proven effective in the treatment of PTSD and anxiety disorders. Right now, VR is largely used for exposure therapy, gradually exposing people to the situation that triggers their anxiety and PTSD” (Titava). These treatment centers can be highly effective and the cost for the use of this will be accessible to most people. This will influence for other types of treatment centers to open their doors to VR technology. Not only does it benefit the business, but it also benefits the patient in healing through …show more content…

Instead of another danger coming from this technology, the next consequence has to do more with how it will affect the reality of many people. The statement in the following article says, “There’s also the question of isolation, especially when VR involves shutting yourself off from the world around you by wearing a headset” (Dredge). Having no human to human contact in the real world could become a problem in the future thanks to VR technology. As all the socializing will be done over the virtual world, it will result in many people being shut out of reality. What makes it even more terrifying is that the possibilities are endless in the virtual world when interacting with your friends. The idea that the streets in the real world could decrease as time passes due to everybody engaging in the virtual world is alarming to the real world. No doubt, there are many pros and cons when it comes to VR technology being used in the real world. The fact that many people can benefit from this technology is astounding, but at the same time there are many consequences and side effects when using the headset. Even if there are many consequences for using the VR headset, the benefits will greatly outdo the cons, leading to the further development of this technology. This is an opportunity for the world to head into a different direction, even if many oppose to this development, in where VR technology can be accessible to most of the

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