
Visit To Haiti

Decent Essays

Everyone visited a place that they would want to go back to. Whether it is in your home town or out of state. There is always something that make a person want to go back to that place. Haiti is mines. The sounds that make people want to move their body, the magnificent scent of the variety of the different kind dishes are delightful, and there was never a dull moment.
First, the sounds make people want to move their body. When I visited Haiti, there was never a quiet day. The music made it impossible for people not to move. Music was part of the Haiti resident’s everyday life. The most interesting thing that I realized while visiting was that it wasn’t only Haitian songs. It was Jamaican songs, hip hop songs, county songs, and even Spanish songs. They also had live music. The beating on the drums, the lovely pitch from the singers, and the base on the guitars all came together to make something beautiful every time.
In addition, the magnificent scent of the variety the different dishes were delightful. There are a lot of dishes in Haiti. Although, I have my personal favorites. Such as fried plantains and fried pork, fried dough stuffed with the meat and vegetables of your choice, and soup made with dumplings. Each one of those dishes makes you want to savor the taste and stay in the moment of eating it forever. They all have the kind of flavor …show more content…

At night, the streets would come alive. Walking on the streets of Haiti was like walking through a carnival. There were bright colored flashing lights everywhere. People were always dancing. Every corner that I turned there was a little soccer match, basketball match or games that people would just make up. It looked like every street had a party every night. During the day, you could see the tall mountains overlooking the island blue waters. You could go on a boat ride and let the sight of the beaches take you away from reality and land you in a thought of peace and

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