
Visual Analysis of the Hall of Supreme Harmony

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Forbidden city is the imperial palace of China for many decays since the Ming dynasty. The imperial palace was not only the home for the emperor but also the conference hall and workshops for the emperor and his subjects. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts, the outer part and the inner part. The outer part of the city is to the public and the inner part is where the emperor and his family lived. The Hall of Supreme Harmony, Taihedian, is the first of the three halls in the Forbidden City where the emperor sees his subjects. Yongle, one of the Ming emperors, first built the Hall of Supreme Harmony in 1427.1 In both Ming and Qing dynasties there were twenty-four emperors held the enthronement ceremony in this hall. Because of many reasons such as fires that the Hall of Supreme Harmony was under many times of construction. The building that visitors see today is not the original from the Ming Dynasty. The Hall of the Supreme Harmony follows Chinese philosophies such as Confucianism and Taoism into structures, setting, and symbols. The Hall of Supreme Harmony has unique structures. Some parts of the architecture of the Hall of Supreme Harmony are based on the Confuses’ philosophy called Confucianism. Confucianism is the ideology that created the Son of Heaven, a person is given the right by heaven to rule China, which has the equivalent meaning to the Mandate of Heaven. By the ancient Zhou ritual that the Ming and Qing emperors rigidly conformed, prescribed that the

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