
Visual Literacy Paper

Decent Essays

Students with disabilities are definitely at a disadvantage when reading achievement is being considered. Alberto, P.A and Fredrick, L.D (2011) wanted to develop and individually examine the efficacy of three different components of an integrated literacy program. The goals are to determine the effectiveness of acquisition of the reading of pictures and logos (visual literacy component) and written text (sight-word instruction component and phonics instruction component). All research activities take place in the public school setting a cross five school districts in the southeastern United States. A total of 36 students participated in the program with an attrition rate of 11 students. Students were assigned to one of three curricular components: visual literacy, sight-word instruction, or phonics instruction. Visual literacy students were taught to read and demonstrate comprehension of the individual pictures and sequences of …show more content…

Using guided reading could be another way that educators tap into individual students and their needs. Abbott, L., Dornbush, A., Giddings, A. & Thomas, J. (2012) found that students in four kindergarten and first grade classrooms were identified as having poor reading strategies. They were lacking processing, comprehension, phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and fluency skills. Site A included 712 students and site B served students ranging from 3-8 years of ages with a total enrollment of 577 students. The researchers used a parent survey to gain insight into the students reading habits at home. They also used an observational checklist. It was used to observe students’ behaviors during whole group and small group instruction. Researchers also used baseline assessments. The reading strategies that were implemented were successful. Through the use of guided reading, small instruction groups, students were provided ample support and time to utilize new

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