
Vivian Bearing Character Analysis

Decent Essays

The plot of W;t starts with Vivian Bearing being diagnosed with stage four metastatic ovarian cancer. She goes through eight cycles of an aggressive experimental chemotherapy. While this aggressive chemotherapy will not cure her, she is able to provide much needed research in this specific cancer field.
When asked to evaluate each character from this play and if they are “good” or not is very challenging. When dealing with someone with a terminal illness, people definitely act differently. E.M. Ashford is a professor of literature and a mentor of Vivian. Being the mentor, he helped her get through school and, while she was dying, was there caring for Vivian. Reading her a book to ease the pain and comforting her. In my eyes, this makes him …show more content…

Harvey Kelekian is the lead investigator of this new drug that they are giving Vivian. He really could care less about Vivian; he only wants to use her for the possible information that it may contain. While there is nothing he could do because the tumor is inoperable, he gives no sympathy towards Vivian, which makes him just heartless. He is neither good nor bad, just a through and through doctor, who doesn’t get attached to patients, which was a strong point of the play.
Susie Monahan is Vivian’s primary nurse. While she may not be the smartest of the people surrounding Vivian, she definitely cares for Vivian. This is shown throughout the play, by the things she says and her attempt to save her in the end. She helps Vivian decide what she wants the medical team to do should her heart fail. Knowing she didn’t want to be resuscitated, she stops the code blue and lets Vivian rest, knowing she went through enough pain as it was. Susie was definitely a good character and really let us see that nurses are very important in the overall plot of hospitals and they can be very …show more content…

Did the cancer unrightfully take her life? Vivian dedicated herself to educating herself and others. She spends many years studying John Donne and her courses were considered some of the hardest at the university. She is very unfamiliar with the field of medicine and asks many questions while she is being treated so she can understand better as to what is going on. While she may come off as stand-offish, she has a really good meaning at heart. Teachers today don’t get paid near as much as they should, having to deal with all the students problems as well as trying to educate them and deal with your own problems is very tough. She wants to leave an impression on every student she teaches and she has to contemplate that question in her head as she’s being treated. Will she be remembered as being a good professor and a good mentor like Ashford was to her? She comes off as not scared and braces the cancer with a tough face, but as the play goes on you can tell she’s scared to pass away and was just hiding behind her wit and knowledge, because that’s what she does. She has to make tough decisions throughout the play and had to think about what she wanted in life. She decided to sign a DNR or do not resuscitate because she knew the cancer was going to get her anyway and wanted the suffering to end. She is a good character because she has a big heart to see herself grow and others as

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