
Vladimir Putin Grew Up In A Communal Apartment

Satisfactory Essays

Number 10: Vladimir Putin Grew up in a Communal Apartment

Putin grew up very poor with three entire families in an apartment in St. Petersburg. Russin President even remembers hunting rats in his apartment stairwell.

Number 9: Siege of Leningrad

Vladimir Putin’s mother survived the siege of Leningrad. From 1941 to 1944 German troops siege Leningrad aiming to starve the cities inhabitants. Putin’s mother survived the siege, however, 1 million others died. Putin’s older brother was amongst them.

Number 8: 'Real Proletarian'

Vladimir’s father was a real proletarian. Putin’s childhood friend, Sergei Roldulgin, said Putin’s father loved his son but always found some fault in him. He was always afraid to seem too indulgent. As a result, Putin

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