
Vonda, My Role Model: My Hero

Good Essays

My Hero Most people have a role model or superhero they look up to. Their hero may be an athlete, a celebrity, an author, or someone they enjoy being with. My role model is my mother, Vonda Maggert. Vonda was born on May 17, 1971, and she grew up in Ashton, IA. For the past twenty-two years, she has lived in Matlock, IA, with her husband, Noal, and her two children, Nicole and Jenna. Because I am her daughter, I know Vonda has become an extraordinary woman with a strong work ethic, a great passion for helping others, and an immense love for her family. Vonda has had many opportunities while growing up. She had the opportunity to go to school at George Community School from kindergarten through high school. After high school, she attended …show more content…

My mother works every day from eight AM until four thirty PM, and when she comes home, she still continues to work. Sometimes I do not get to see her until eight o’clock at night because she is working hard on other activities. She prepares all of the meals, cleans the house, and does the laundry. Vonda is also the city clerk for the City of Matlock; therefore, she does a lot of bookwork too. She is always hardworking on the weekends. For example, she teaches Sunday school and plays the piano for the choir at church. Vonda remembered working other jobs when she was sixteen, and to me, that shows she was hardworking throughout her teen years too. Her parents were both influential to her because they had jobs, which influenced Vonda to get a job when she was a teen. When I asked Vonda what her routine was like, she listed her responsibilities on her fingers saying, “I wake up, go to work, go home, make supper, do the laundry, possibly have a piano lesson, and go to bed. I get really tired when I have a lot on my plate.” A quote I always hear my mother say to me is “Hard work pays off and makes you feel like you can accomplish your goals.” Vonda has a lot of responsibilities she has to do, but she stays positive. In everything she does, I can tell her work ethic is …show more content…

When I asked her what the word ‘family’ means to her, she simply said, “Together. Having fun together and being happy.” She smiled as she said that, and I know that by being her daughter, she truly is loving towards her family. Based on her smile as she answered the question, I knew she loves her family and would do a lot for them and with them. As I interviewed her at our kitchen table, there were family pictures on the wall that could prove to someone that she really loved her family. I not only noticed the collectibles on the shelf, but I noticed some cookbooks that were more than likely passed down to her from her family. Vonda talked about when and where she and her husband first met. I know that by being her daughter, she loves him very much. Someone would also be able to tell she loves her husband because she referred to him as her ‘one and only one’. She smiled as she told me about their wedding day and how she will never forget that day. I know she has good morals and values after asking her what her three most important things to her are now. Vonda’s most important things are “God because He is my creator and savior, my husband because he is my best friend, and my family because I like to spend as much time with them as I can, and life is too short not to do that.” I also know she loves her family because she told me about her favorite memories of going to her grandparents to look through photo

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