
My Hero : My Mother As A Hero

Decent Essays

Everybody has heard of a hero and needs a hero in their life. From Clark Kent really being Superman to Paul in the new movie "Downsizing", there are everyman heroes to superheroes. In my eyes, I see my mother as a hero. She's not just a hero to me. She's a hero to plenty of people in her life. She's my personal hero because of her journey. That would categorize her as an everyman hero because she's relatable to everyman and woman. To illustrate her heroic journey, I would have to start at the beginning.

The beginning is before she had her stroke. Ten years ago, my brother was about to graduate high school and my mother was living a healthy, fulfilling life or so she thought. My mother was known for outdrinking the men and partying hard. She didn't allow being a mother prevent her from having a good time. She favored having so much of a good time that she neglected my brother and I. This was her ordinary world.

Three months after my brother graduated, my mother had a terrible stroke. It was so terrible it left her right side entirely paralyzed. She found herself disabled, not able to speak, and having to learn how to do the basic motor skills all over again. It's as if someone pressed a reset button on her life. My mother was devastated as was I. As you may have guessed it, this was her call to adventure.

And of course, like most people before her, she refused to adapt to a new way of living. No longer able to party, she had to rely on someone to care for her. For the

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