
Vulkans: A Narrative Fiction

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“Angels in the air!” a girl screamed and the group of mutants in the courtyard started to panic. “Don’t panic! We need to be strong!” Nikolai started to scream, but couldn’t make himself heard as the black mist turned into a thick fog and made it hard to see any further than ten feet in front. Charlie grabbed Scarlett’s hand firmly and pulled her back beside him to make sure that he wouldn’t lose her and to keep her from doing anything stupid. “They won’t listen! We are just going to get slaughtered if this keeps up!” Nikolai grumbled, frustrated. “I’ve never heard of the Vulkans using this kind of method of attack. It seems like it would be dangerous for their warriors, too…” Harkens said to no one in particular as he stared at the ground. …show more content…

Get as many people as you can to the roofs of these buildings and prepare to fight for your life! I’ll meet you up there in a second!” Nikolai shouted to Charlie as a small group of Academy angels shot into the darkness. Charlie pulled Scarlett with him and they grabbed everyone they could get their hands on and ran to the rooftops. Once they got into the building they stopped for a quick breath and Scarlett stared blankly out the window at the pitch blackness. “Just a second ago, it was a bright sunny day…” she mumbled and was visibly shaken. “I know, babe. Come on. Let’s get this over with; a new episode of Vampire Diaries is on tonight,” Charlie winked at Scarlett who smirked and jogged after him. They ran up the stairs first, but froze in their tracks when they opened the doors to see Lucille, Seamus, and Addison standing there in a little group. “Go! Get around the edges and watch the skies!” Charlie ordered everyone and they all scattered out as Charlie and Scarlett walked up to Lucille. “What are you doing here?” Charlie demanded. “Well, this is my school, isn’t it? It seems like I should be the one asking you that,” she smirked at …show more content…

Grab my hand!” Scarlett braced herself firmly on the roof before sticking her hand out for Addison to grab. It reached only a few inches from where Addison’s hands were slipping from. Addison looked up at Scarlett with a mixture of confusion and fear in her eyes. Her blue-green eyes stared up at Scarlett with tears streaking from them. Her light-pink lips trembled as she debated on what to do. “Come on, Addison! Let me pull you up! For God’s sake, you’re only eighteen!” Scarlett pleaded. “You just don’t want my blood on your hands. How do I know that you’re not going to just drop me?” Addison snapped and tried to sound secure, but her voice was shaking as her body swayed roughly in the choppy winds. “You don’t! You can either fall to your death here or you can take a chance and see if I will save you. It’s your choice Addison, because I have other real friends that could use my help right now,” Scarlett said with sorrow dripping from her words. Addison gulped and stared at her hands for a moment before taking a deep breath. “Please catch me,” she whispered and thrust her hand up to merely skim Scarlett’s fingertips. Addison’s eyes widened as she started to fall, time seemed to slow as Scarlett screamed desperately grabbed at the air. Addison couldn’t help but think back about…

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