
Walmart Is Not An Advocate Of Customer And Employee Success

Decent Essays

Walmart is the world’s largest retailer as well as the largest private employer with approximately 2.2 million employees. However, in previous years they have been in newspapers and newscast about the outrageous employment practices (Jordan,“the Good, the Bad”). I went to a Walmart to buy some house items and I saw an incident. An employee stepped into a juice spill on the floor and fell. She was feeling pain and had to go to the hospital. A week later, I asked an employee, “What did the manger do?” and he said they gave her the rest of the week off, but they did not cover her hospital bills. I am not a frequent shopper at Walmart because of their unfair labor practices. Exploitation of workers, low wages and health care are the main reasons why Walmart is not an advocate of customer and employee success. Walmart exploits those who are essentially powerless to defend themselves. This exploitation is due to the business model that started when its founding father, Sam Walton, opened his first stores. He exploited the pools of surplus labor that resulted from corporate agricultural consolidation and the ravages of the Great Depression (Aubry, “Walmart’s Exploitation”). Walmart does not provide safe equipment for their unskilled employees who worked in the factories. According to one report, in Walmart’s cost-benefit analysis, it was cheaper to wash workers’ blood from clothing before shipping the clothing overseas for sale than it was to provide gloves; these workers were

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