
Walter E. Wiest And Elwyn A. Smith: Ethics In Ministry

Decent Essays

The book entitled Ethics in Ministry a guide for the professional written by Walter E. Wiest and Elwyn A. Smith is a concise yet profound book, which highlights ethical principles and ethical dilemmas which professionals such as Pastors experience within their professional role. One may ask, is there is a need for a Ethics in Ministry book? as Ministers only need to follow the guidelines in the bible, however this book is relevant because it outlines principles on ethics and morals with some reference to biblical scriptures. I decided to write on this book because I admire the way the author inserted real life stories and experiences to explain important points on the practice of ministry. Professional ethics is described here as ethical issues …show more content…

Having a sense of authority as ministers is important, but it also depends on how we use the authority that makes it worthwhile. The author made it clear that “A certain practical authority arises in consequence of a thorough theological education. Christians do not claim authority on the basis of academic degrees, but know that it is a result of Christ who is their life and word, (p. 65).” If this knowledge base is strong then the clergy is entitled to personal respect and practical authority implied by sound learning. Humility is very important in Ministry and should be exercised by all ministers, however ministers must also be cearful not exercise it too much as it can be misunderstood by our congregation. Another aspect that there is no question when it comes on to the statement that says pastors are human beings, it is so easy for us to get caught up in doing things for the church and community that we neglect other important details in our lives, like ourselves. It is imperative that as ministers we stop sometimes and look out for ourselves and by extension our …show more content…

The issue of church politics is on the rise and one might ask how can such a thing as church politics exist? The author here answers by saying, “the entire biblical record dignifies group leadership and calls God’s blessing upon it, those chosen to rule the church were believed to be God’s own choices. Church politics stands on the belief that the divine spirit is active among believers and the obedient disciple seeks to know the divine will, and that God honors the covenant with his people, (p. 154)” The author further states that “the benchmarks of an appropriate church politics and the explanation for the exercise of authority are the justice that comprehends and deals restoratively with human frailty and the love that always recalls the church to its reason for existing, (p. 159).” One of the gifts of the church is authority, and the ethics of the church’s professional leader is grounded in the gift of Christ and I agree that the conduct of a minister is substantially inclined by the form of the church in each time and

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