
Wanderlust Narrative

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Wanderlust: a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world. Also known as my current state of being since I woke up the morning of June 21st, the morning I woke up in my bed confused as to why my first sight wasn't my small and uncostumed room, or my roommates tired, but smiling, faces. Instead it was my cozy room that I left the morning of June 9th, just as I left it. But it still felt as if something was missing, even though my room was exactly how I left it that morning. It took me awhile to realize it after that morning and it's all making sense now as I'm finally putting this onto paper. I didn't lose something, I didn't misplace anything. Instead I was missing a piece of myself, bam, it was gone. I left, no I gave away a part of myself without even realizing it to the music festival in Amsterdam, the long …show more content…

Yes to some people who haven't traveled it sounds crazy and they would ask “You want to lose yourself?” My answer is yes, yes I do. I want to engage in those conversations of a lifetime with my friends, turned to family, about the castles of Ireland, I want to get lost in the smallest town but know it's fine because there's a nice elder man in his shop that's willing to help us back. All while leaving pieces of me behind, because it's changing me for the better. Being 15 and having been schooled for over half my life my head is stuffed full of knowledge, but this knowledge is special, and only those who travel know what I mean. It's a knowledge that's not possibly enough to capture in stories, and pictures. A new grasp on life that gets me excited to go home to my family and friends and share my experience and help them to travel and broaden their own knowledge. But I don't want to stop there, I want to share my adventures and knowledge with the girl I babysit down the street, the nice customer at my work, future students looking into traveling with TAPS or by

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