
Set In Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard

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Set in Our Ways Essay Why Change Is So Hard
“The shortest path to oneself leads around the world.” So, wrote German philosopher Count Hermann Keyserling, who believed that travel was the best way to discover who you are.
According to ‘Set in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard’, people who are between ten and twenty years enjoy adventure and challenge, but after 30s it is really difficult to change. Also, these young people are fascinated by the novelty. Many psychologists announce that people over 30s have to support their family and sustain their job. Therefore, there is no time for them to take the new events.
In most of the people, these traits change more during old age than any other period of life, including youth. Openness typically increases …show more content…

Personality can change When people get old, they are not chasing the novelty like themselves in the past, and their personal change is declined by age. Young people’s personal character can be influenced by sad events like family member’s death. But, old people’s traits do not change like young one. It does not mean that the character will not be changed after 30s, but they are not same as young people. However, scientists report that people over 60s have chance to experience a character change and fascination of novelty after they finish supporting their family and job. The author of ‘Set in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard’, Nikolas Wester-Hoff, wrote that people, especially old people, should make new start reasonable goals. Through this action, he or she can achieve the change in their life. Also, the most important point of this author is that one should be satisfied with what he or she has. So why change is so hard in my opinion changing something in you can start from a lot of different places.

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