
War Chapter Summaries

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One of the most important episodes in this book is when Joe realizes his reality. In this episode he is coming in and out of consciousness. As he going through his memories of family, war, work, and friends he comes to the knowledge that he is in a hospital. As more memories come and go he slowing realize that he has no arms, legs, eyes, nose, tongue, or mouth. The only this he is his mind. This is important for the story because this is the main plot. This personally affect me because it leaves me thinking of how people deal with these kind of injuries. The second important episode was Joe learning to communicate. When he figures out how to tell time, he realizes he had been in the hospital for years. One day, they changed his clothes twice, …show more content…

They respond with “What do you want?” Joe think’s hard, and realizes he can’t ask for really anything. He can’t get ice cream, he can’t go see a movie, so he asks for something bigger. He begs to go to workplaces, schools, universities, and churches to show people what war really is. He wants to show people that you can fight in war and either live, die, or end up like himself. The doctor's response shattered his meaning of life. “What you ask is against regulations, who are you?” said the doctor. Joe is furious, he being to start taping again to see if they misread the message. He soon feels a hand on his forehead and a cold feeling of alcohol on his side. He feels a pinch and a large dose of morphine enter his body. He falls back into a state of mind where he sees himself as Christ in a messed-up dystopia. Joe begins to discuss the story as “we” and he tells about the “little guys” who are the ones that live their lives making dams, building cars and airplanes and fighting the wars, and “you” are the ones who orchestrate it. It ends is a short declaration that states that the “little guys” try to live their life in peace, and if their peace is destroyed to make the world safe for democracy then they will take the message seriously and fight the ones who made them fight each

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