
War Of 1812 Dbq Essay

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In addition, a majority to the nation’s citizens were in favor of declaring war on Britain, which caused the War of 1812 to occur. The government is to represent the people of the nation. According to document 7, the republican government of the United states is competent to maintain the interests of the people. The congressmen in the House of Representative and House of the Senates are representatives of their respective states and the state’s inhabitants. According to document five, most states favored declaring war with England in 1812. There were more states that favored than opposed the war. It is the duty of the government to adhere to the country’s citizen’s voices and decisions. The American government also goes by majority wins. At …show more content…

The British were stealing and interfering with American trading rights. They would steal the American vessels from their destined ports and steer them to British ports instead. This occurred because the British did not like that their commerce was not favored during the trading. Along with capturing the vessels, they would also capture the seamen, merchants, and sailors on board of the vessel. They would enslave the seamen. American leaders, like Congressman Calhoun and President Madison resort to declaring war on the British. They decided that it was a decent decision since for the past three years, diplomatic efforts were in vain. They thought it was best because they have to assert their rights as an independent and sovereign nation. The British were violating American trading rights and that was unacceptable since it shows that the British does not respect America or see her as an independent nation. They also had to protect their citizens, like the seafaring citizens who were daily victims of violence. Overall, the decision to declare war on the British was on the account of America deeming to be respected by asserting her rights, protecting American citizens from maritime aggression, and representing what most of the nation’s people

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