
Was Andrew Jackson Democratic Essay

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How democratic was Andrew Jackson? Andrew Jackson was more democratic than not, due to his full support of the lower classes, his desire for new voting laws, and his veto of the banks. Although he was democratic in those ways, he also showed non-democratic qualities in his time in office, including events like the Native American Removal. Since he showed both qualities of a democrat, and a non-democrat, it is not easy to argue a certain side. Andrew Jackson himself, was once a man of the lower class. His family was poor, since his mom was the only provider when he was young. “ His father died a few days before his birth, and Andrew was not an easy child for his mother to raise.” (Background Essay). He would go on to enlist for the …show more content…

By 1836, all of the 12 states were voting by people, except for South Carolina. In Document D, it states how Jackson wants all elections to be elected by people, so that all people living in the United States are having their voice heard. “Elected offices must be filled directly by the people.” (Document D). Jackson, stating how he thinks it is important for the people to have a say in their government officials. Andrew Jackson also demonstrated democratic qualities through his bank veto message. This was a very important subject at the time, since slave owners were making a great deal of profit. The banks were making a lot of money, and so were the wealthy. Slaves were becoming more and more popular, and if the bank veto had gone the other way, it would have changed the economy at that time. Since slave owners were already making a lot of money, Jackson knew that if he did not veto the bank message, the wealthy people of the country would only become wealthier. “ It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.” (Document F). In Document F, he is explaining that idea of rich people becoming richer, and that the men of the banks cannot be trusted for the sake of the people of the country. In Document G, Daniel Webster states that Jackson’s move only turned the social classes against each other, since he is claiming the wealthy men are only looking to benefit themselves. “ It manifestly seeks to

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