
Was Bravery Really Brave

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Bravery, some might think of it as stupidity, some might think it to be a daring act for any reason; and they would both be partially correct. Others who have witnessed and felt real bravery flow through their veins in a rush of adrenaline, fear, and courage, know that bravery is something special that not all people posses. Of course, there is a fine line between stupidity and bravery, and I mean very thin. Bravery is something that does not necessarily come easy, especially for the weak of heart or narrow minded. Bravery is signing up to fight for your country/tribe in times of war against a fierce enemy; or rising up in arms, facing the possibility of death in sacrifice for your family or for something you believe in.
Now, Native Americans hold many a several virtues dear to their culture, one of these virtues being bravery. Men and women who have witnessed and felt real bravery flow through their veins in a rush of adrenaline, fear, and courage, know that bravery is something special that not all people posses. It is one of those things only understood through experience. For natives bravery is very important, although not all of them have it. They do know who is and who is not brave from experiences in battle or defending their village. …show more content…

For those that have never been put in a position where bravery was necessary or at a time when there were opportunities to show bravery for the better of a situation, they will be lost when the moment comes that they are in dire need. Many men are growing to be cowards and bravery is not quite as common as it once was. For the Native peoples that follow their culture there still is bravery and other virtues. Although, for those who simply live and dwell on the past, but do not embrace their cultural behaviors and beliefs, these people are the narrow minded and weak of heart who know nothing of bravery or acts of

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