
Wasteland Motherhood

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Motherhood is an extremely complicated process that every mother goes through when taking on the choice to acquire a child. Based on the individual, this process can be one that is natural or extremely difficult to execute. Within this process, there are new issues and mindsets that emerge in the threshold of motherhood that creates intense struggles. In the texts Waste Land (Walker, 2010) by Lucy Walker and “Morning Song” by Sylvia Plath the poet and director display these issues and mindsets within these two different mediums that arise in the never-ending process. These texts connect to one another by demonstrating and including struggles of urges to provide, emotions of detachment, and improving mindsets through the process of motherhood. …show more content…

Within the article, “Plaths ‘Morning Song’” David Ketterer makes the statement about how ““Morning Song” expresses Plath’s conflicted feelings at the birth of her first child…” (242-243). These feelings are implied adamantly throughout the poem and start off as feelings of detachment. The speaker of “Morning Song” exclaims “We stand around blankly as walls” when describing her mental composure to the audience. At this point the reader understands that the concept of motherhood is wildly new to the speaker and she has no idea what to do or how to connect herself to the child. The speaker also depicts the child as a “new statue” (line 4). This comparison is one that shows the audience that the mother sees the child as something mystifying and not human. Consequently, if she cannot view the child as an opposite of these characteristics, then she will fail to recognize her duties as a mother. And if she fails to recognize this, she will also fail to create a stable connection and positive feeling towards her new born child. However, these feelings of detachment later cease to exist towards the final two stanzas of the poem, unlike the intense feelings displayed in Waste

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