The phrase “We are carrying the fire” is important in this book as it symbolizes many messages, one of these messages is hope. I feel that this is an important message because it is the thing that keeps the two going, even when times are tough. An example this is when they are running low on food, and the boy asks if they would ever need to eat other humans. The man reassures him that they would not eat anybody else, then goes on to explain how they are the good people and they are indeed carrying the fire. This was one of the first times this phrase was used in the book, and possibly also the most important. I feel that this is one of the most important because it also shows the man’s philosophy of life and how he feels that even though the
In late 1992, Cameron Todd Willingham was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death for a fire that claimed the lives of his three daughters the previous December. During the trial, the prosecution cited evidence from two arson investigators, Douglass Fogg and Manuel Vasquez, listing “more than ‘twenty indicators’ of arson,” along with testimony from medical experts and other witnesses. The trial lasted only two days and resulted in a unanimous guilty verdict. However, now following Willingham’s execution, it has come to light that much of the evidence used in his conviction in no way guarantees that arson had occurred. If this is true, the state may have put an
At around 0030 11/16/16 I Sr. Officer Chad Stephenson of Siena Heights University (SHU) Department of Public Safety (DPS) was approached by resident student Stanley Saunders to report that his jacket was stolen out of his dorm room 409 on 11/15/16 between 1400-2300. Saunders stated that after he come back from a meeting at around 1230 he took his jacket off and but it on his bed. Then at around 1400 the left his room to go and hung out with some friends, when he came back at around 2300 he noticed his jacket was missing. Saunders searched his room, and talked with his roommates to see if any of them seen it but they all said no. The jacket is described as an Black North Face theremoball full zip up and is a size XL, Saunders states that he only bought it around a month ago.
On page 279, the man says, “It’s inside you. It was always there. I can see it.” (McCarthy 279). What he sees is the fire inside of his son. He often tells the boy that they’re the “good guys” who “carry the fire”. It’s crucial that the boy continues to carry it, since it represents goodness and humanity. If he lets the fire die, then all hope for the world is gone. Besides, what they went through in order to survive would mean nothing if he decided to quit. The boy carries “the fire” by showing compassion towards others. He constantly thinks about them (including those who are evil), and wants to help in some way. An example is on page 162, where the man and the boy meet Ely. “The boy squatted and put a hand on his shoulder. He’s scared, Papa.
Jonathan Kozol’s Fire in the Ashes is an honest depiction of the hardships and triumphs of families in the South Bronx, New York. In this book, Kozol introduces us to several Hispanic and Black families that he originally met in the Mott Haven/Martinique Hotel in the 1980’s and allows us to view their trajectory in the proceeding 25 years. By allowing the reader a look into the lives of these families, he provides us with a realistic depiction of the disadvantages families living in poverty encounter despite interventions from charity organizations and philanthropic donors. Kozol identifies that without “systematic justice and systematic equity in public education” (Kozol, 2013, pg 304) students in these impoverished neighborhoods will continue to lack the same economic opportunities that may potentially lead them out of the welfare system. Kozol emphasizes lack of stable housing, and unequal educational opportunities, as primarily conditions to perpetuating poverty. Despite the challenges that the families endure, Kozol is able to show that they are resilient.
In the early 1900s, America’s mostly rural society was transformed into a urban manufacturing nation. This dramatic metamorphosis caused a deeper chasm between the poor and the rich, but helped form a thriving middle class. American cities overflowed with millions of European immigrants willing to provide cheap labor that was the catalyst for a thriving economy. New York City became the largest industrial powerhouse in the United States because of the garment industry. Due to the availability of affordable factory made items, American culture became preoccupied with the acquisition of goods, and the concept of consumerism was born. Sadly, the poverty stricken population who lived in slums and worked in intolerable conditions suffered tremendously. The book, The Triangle Fire by Jo Ann E. Argersinger tells the true story behind the spark of change of the exploitation of factory workers within America. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, and the key historical events that followed, there were many cultural and political changes in the United States.
Fire, while it is nearly crucial for a functional society, is an easy element to overuse and abuse, even to the point where it affects the things around it. Fire cannot be easily controlled, and once out of control, regaining power over it is difficult. Montag and the other firemen learn this when they encounter the woman who burns herself rather than have them burn her books (40). By taking the authority from the firemen, she makes Montag realize that they aren’t the only ones with the force of fire behind them. This is shown later in the books when Montag turns the firehose on Beatty, the fire chief (116). When someone takes away this power or makes someone lose control of their element of comfort, the whole situation can spiral out of control quickly.
America is no stranger to tragedy, yet through tragedy comes America's greatest strengths. The Great Chicago Fire of October 1817, is one such tragedy that burned many wooden buildings, sidewalks, commercial buildings, and homes. A tragedy so severe that it lasted for three days that resulted in the death of three-hundred people, and put tens of thousands of Chicagoans on the streets (Volume 2 From Reconstruction, 2015, p. 484).
If you went out one day and out of nowhere you find yourself in a life-or-death situation would it be your fault? People in a life-or-death situation should be held accountable for their actions because most of the time people know that if they do something that can put them in a life-or-death situation then something bad will happen but they still do it willingly. Another person might not agree with this claim and say that people should not be held accountable for their actions. The reason he or she might think this is because if when a person does face a life-or-death situation it might not be entirely their fault. The following reasons are examples of why my claim is stronger.
The fire is seen as a sign of the boys’ hope in returning to society. In the boys’ initial fire, as “the flame flapped higher” they held onto the idea of hope and “the boys broke into a cheer” (41). The diction Golding uses to describe the flame reflects the
In The Road, fire and light are the only clear colours in an otherwise grey world, and take metaphorical symbols of hope. For instance, on p.137 the son asks the father a confirmatory question; “And we’re carrying the fire”, to which the father responds “And we’re carrying the fire. Yes.” The idea of the pair “carrying” the fire is repeated throughout the text, possibly alluding to the son as a “last hope”. However, it is also arguable that the idea of fire is a substitute for religion throughout the whole text, something that the father and son must cling onto in order to have a sense of “being”, rather than just give up hope.
I agree with Rambo when she states that “We’re carrying the fire” is a “statement of mission. […] the father has given their journey purpose” (2008:104). They have to keep on walking south because someone is waiting for them, waiting for the fire they are carrying. At the end of the novel, when the father is about to die, he says to his son that he cannot stay with him because he has to carry the fire he has inside him (298) – that is his mission; he is the most necessary element in a world where necessity is all around. Therefore this makes me question whether “carrying the fire” is only an illusion the father has created, an excuse to keep on walking and forgetting what they are leaving behind. As we are going to see next, the boy is the man’s last hope. The man is only living in order to save his son’s life and if the man dies, nothing will remain for the boy to continue fighting, thus the man has to give him a purpose, a mission – to keep on carrying the fire. What would become of us if we did not provide our lives with a goal, with a reason to carry
Being a minority and coming from a first generation immigrant family, it can be difficult to think about my future because of what I’ve grown up around. I acknowledge that i’m an intelligent woman, but my surroundings made achieving greater things feel strange, or like something I shouldn’t be striving for. In James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time, the first letter My Dungeon Shook was aimed specifically for his nephew but is easily a message for people of color and really for anyone who is struggling with self doubt.
It is clear that they only have each other’s company and that the father feels that his only job is to protect his son from any danger. However, the son’s purpose is to “carry the fire”, a metaphor that keeps readers guessing about what the fire reflects. It could be that
In “Tell the Wind and Fire” Brennan uses a lot of inner thinking, dialogue and flashbacks to convey the idea that you shouldn’t let your surroundings define your choices and who you are. It is the story of Lucie, Ethan, and Carwyn. Lucie is born in the Dark from a Light dad and a Dark mother that practices light magic. Her mother is then taken and killed by the Strykers (the most powerful family in the Light city) for practicing Light magic being born Dark. Her father is then taken and punished. She saves her father from punishment,unintendedly becoming a figure for the rebellion in the process. The Light city, not being able to eliminate her decides to take her in and make an example of her, that the right type of people won’t be punished. When in the Light city she transforms into a completely different person, dating Ethan Stryker. When Ethan’s doppelganger shows up things get complicated. When a rebel group known as the sans-merci burns (lead by her aunt) both cities
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health will not change legislation regarding safety in the near future.