
We Bought A Zoo Character Analysis

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“We Bought a Zoo” not only has friendships, it also have a strong family relation. Dylan at first is distant from his family. You could say that he’s a typical teenage boy. One who disobeys his father and says “whatever” to everything. However, over the course of the movie we see Dylan’s relationship with his father evolve. In the beginning of the movie, Dylan doesn’t listen to his father one bit. The things that he says go in one ear and out the other, and Dylan acts like his father talking to him is such a bother. However, we can say that this is typical adolescent behavior. Adolescents who mature early experience more conflict with their parents than those who mature later, (Santrock, 2016, p. 261). I would argue that Dylan is maturing faster than some others because of the trauma that he went through. Losing a parent can have a big impact on a person’s life, and it forces them to grow up sooner than they wanted. They have to take on more responsibilities. …show more content…

He’s acting out at school and drawing very disturbing pictures. He thinks that his dad doesn’t understand what he’s going through, and he could be right. We don’t see him and his dad have too many positive interactions with one another. We see a lot of positive interactions between Rosie and Benjamin but never Dylan and Benjamin. We see that the conflict that Dylan experiences involves things that happen in everyday life especially after they move to the zoo. Dylan says that he has too much homework to help out around the zoo, and he’s upset that his friends don’t come to see him. Changes in an adolescent's life such as changes in school, peers, friendships, dating and movement toward independence all take an affect on parent-adolescent relationships (Santrock, 2016, p.

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