
We Live For A Recreational Drug Culture

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We live in a recreational drug culture. According to Dr. Sam Richards, who is a well-known professor among Penn State students and academic society, it is widely accepted by society and by lawmakers that consumption of alcohol is reasonable for us and we should consume it. However, not many of us notice that fighting, vandalism, and rape occur because of that beverage (Richards). But what happens if everyone smokes marijuana instead of drinking alcohol? How did we come to the idea that marijuana is bad and alcohol is okay? Think about it. Growing up, everyone is told that, “Drugs are bad for you,” time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure regardless. People must first be aware of what Marijuana even is. The term Marijuana is originated from Mexican and Spanish words, mariguana and marihuana. Marijuana itself, comes from a widely cultivated Asian herb called hemp. The leaves and other parts of the hemp plant are smoked and provides a feeling of relaxation called “high”. Even though the substance does not have serious drawbacks, smoking it is still considered as a crime. The debate to legalize marijuana in the United States has been fought since it exist. There are many reasons for and against legalization, but the arguments for it outweigh the arguments against it. In this paper, I argue that marijuana should be legalized for three main reasons: Medical, economic and social benefits.

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