
We The People Unit 1 Essay

Decent Essays

We the People Unit 1 Question 2
By Shella Elgarico, Michael Yoon, Amanda Parazoo, & Tana Siaumau

Introductory Paragraph. (Shella) Thomas Jefferson once stated that, “The republican is the only government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.” The Founders sought to create a government that would not destroy factions, but control them in a way that would support the common good of the people. Although they had the good intentions, this has fatally failed within modern society.

*The founders thought that republican government works best in small communities, the people in a republic have to be very much alike, and people would naturally divide into factions. The founders thought that it could be prevented …show more content…

The Founding Father wanted a nation that was large enough to support many diverse citizens, this was a problem that had to be solved efficiently. Then, James Madison thought of two ways to solve the problem: by eliminating the source or by eliminating the effects. He first thought of ways to eliminate the source of the problem by thinking of two methods: by not giving liberty to the public and/or making everyone think alike as one. He saw that both of these options were impossible to achieve because it would conflict with the goal of the Founding Fathers on how the government in America should work. (Quote on why it would fail in book) Then Madison went on to focus on eliminating the effects. He knew that it was impossible to get people to think alike, but if they were to vote on someone who could represent that population, and if it were to be a majority's vote then it would be most if not all of the people’s vote on who to represent that population. If this process were to be repeated within other populated areas, then those representatives would form a small community and then the Republican

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