
We Were Liars Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Adversity, rather it be a bully at school or even a sprained ankle playing your favorite sport; these things are what build our character. When we are young we are naive to the world around us, our only influence is our family.As a child you adopt a base character, adversity helps build onto this. In ‘We Were Liars’ by E. Lockhart the liars are blinded by wealth and power, when tragedy strikes the liars characters are changed dramatically showing that adversity is the main influence on a person's character. Cadence Sinclair is the daughter of Penny Sinclair and granddaughter of Harris Sinclair. Every summer Cadence and the liars vacation at Beechwood where they are blind to all lifes troubles because their vision is clouded by money and power. In the beginning of We Were Liars, Cadence does not know what happened during her accident or the cause of her accident. She is confused, she feels weak and pities herself. She says, “MY FULL NAME is Cadence Sinclair Eastman. I live in Burlington, Vermont, with Mummy and three dogs. I am nearly eighteen. I own a well-used library card and not much else, though it is true I live in a grand house full of expensive, useless objects. I used to be blond, but now my hair is black. I used to be strong, but now I am weak. I used to be pretty, but now I look sick.” Cadence feels bad for herself stating she is no longer pretty and strong. We see that Cadence is hopeless and is unhappy with life. After Cadence learns the truth about her family

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