
Weaknesses Of Wharton University

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Wharton University have strength their brand name, expert leaders and achievement in program award. This can be proved when Wharton’s MBA program is ranked number 1 in the world according to Business Insider. It is also number 1 in the United States, when it is tied with Harvard Business School , according to U.S. News & World Report. Wharton proudly produces the most CEOs of the 100 top companies on the Fortune 500 list. In general, Wharton has over 95,000 alumni in 153 countries. All this fact makes Wharton ahead from the other university and gives them competitive advantages. The university also lead others university because they have expert leaders as well as lecturers in their fields.

For weaknesses, Wharton University has high costs in fees. For example, their MBA program fee in …show more content…

It is strategic because it is located 7 km from the city of Kuala Lumpur, and easily accessible through various public transports. For the staff, most of the librarians hold a Master Degree in Library Information Science. With higher academic qualifications and experiences, they are able to serve all the users well. Moreover, the UM has a strength as the university holds rank number 114 in Qs world university ranking, and number 27 in Asia country.

There are two weaknesses for UM which are, the structures are out-dated, and limited parking area. Out-dated structure means that the library structure is less attractive for the students and users of a library. The collection can be arranged in a more attractive and accessible way, new book collections or free books should be placed ten feet from the entrance to create an atmosphere for the book as soon as the user enters the Library. Plus, the university has limited parking area. Thus, there is a need to build a multi-level parking space for the lecturers and students to overcome the

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