
Wedding Speech - Original Writing

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“Morning mom!” Morning AJ! Breakfast is on the table.” No thanks mom I think I will pass.” “Alright suit yourself. ………….....AT SCHOOL………………… When I arrived at school all I heard were people talking about some sort of party...but i couldn’t really understand them, they were not talking as loud as usual. “AJ!” Um who is calling my name I thought to myself? “AJ… OVER HERE!” Then finally I got the courage to turn around to see who it was. OMG guess who it was?!? It was my best friend Kacey! “Hey Kacey!” “Hey AJ.... I was wondering if you were going to that party tonight at 11 P.M. tonight?” “ Party? What party?” “You didn’t hear? The party that Jake is having.” “ My mom would not let me go to a party that late...Especially not a boys late night party! Oh and plus i have to watch my little cousin lily tonight.” “ Your annoying cousin Lily?” “Yea that one.” “Well I guess I have to tell Grayson you aren’t going.” “ didn’t tell me Grayson was going to be there!” “Oh yea Grayson is going to be there.” Oh if you were wondering,Grayson is this really cute guy I like. “Well I guess I could go...but if I get in trouble I’m blaming it on you.” “Okay...see ya there?!?” “Yea...Oh what’s the address?” “5657 Red’s Apple Drive.” “Okay thanks...see ya there!” “ See ya!” …………...…………….10 P.M…………………………. “Mom can I spend the night over Kacey’s house tonight?” “I thought you were going to watch Lily tonight?”

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