Reflection Week Six
Ernestine Brodie
Walden University
Everything that I have learned in this course in regards to preschoolers, early childhood professionals who work in a preschool setting, and preschool environments has only helped to increase my knowledge and love for the profession. I have gained new insights that will help me along my journey as an early childhood professional. This course has shed so much light on the importance of play in the preschool environment. According to Gestwicki (2014) “Play is significant in the development of children physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively” (p.33). Just as the scenario presented in the first discussion of this course in which some parents chose to send their
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There are always changes in regards to the development of preschool-age children and the roles of early childhood professionals within the preschool setting. I want to learn and gain more knowledge of every aspect of the preschool environment in which can be helpful to making sure that the children that I work with are developing physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively. This course has enhanced my knowledge of play and the preschool environment and how they both can shape children’s development. But I would love to continue to learn more in how I can provide a classroom environment that will allow for me to give the optimal learning and development experience to the children that I work with. I want to be able to take the experiences such as my observations of the preschool classroom that I observed and turn those experiences into ways to enhance my own teaching and learning experiences for the children that I work with. According to the text teachers who observe children see opportunities to reinforce and enrich children’s learning experiences (Gestwicki, 2014, p. 381). I definitely believe this to be true, and I also believe that the more things that you learn it can only be beneficial for both the children and the teachers. I know that this course has continued to help me build on the foundation of learning that I need to be a successful early childhood professional in a preschool setting and also help in the development of preschool-age children. This course shined a light on the fact that the role of early childhood professionals has several dimensions which include the children playing a role in their own development as well. I think that in the preschool classroom today that all early childhood professionals must acknowledge this and go forth accordingly in how they approach the development of the whole child in regards to
The relationship between play and learning seems obvious to many child professionals and parents, and yet there are still lack of understanding surrounding the importance of children's play. Some people believe that children need to "work" not play, and that playing serves no useful purpose in a learning and development environment. This is surprising considering that play, with its high levels of motivation and potential enjoyment empowers children (as well as people
In this program our child care providers have a hands-on interaction with the children. They guide our early learners through child directed play. The child care staff provides different learning opportunities by supplying an array of activities based on the children’s interests. This program will allow the children an opportunity to become leaders in their learning, by exploring and discovering their play environment on their own, with peers and through guidance from the staff. Although we have many open-ended play opportunities, we will have a few structured activities for the children to participate in. We find it important to keep some structure within the daily schedule as this will allow the children the
The NAEYC statement on developmental practice indicates change and continuity and change in the early childhood education field is vital due to the fact that their main commitment is excellence and equity. Nevertheless, all new knowledge gained over time has been advanced and increased. This means that with understanding, it has allowed us to revise and refine ideas for promoting children's development and learning. With developmentally appropriate practice, meeting and enabling the children are required. This means that teachers should get to know them well and push them to reach goals that may be a challenge but are achievable for them.
Young children learn and grow everyday. Especially, young children, the ages three years to five years old, learn important skills while they play with friends and interact with their teachers. Janice J. Beaty (2014) states that for young children, “play is their way of learning” (p. 167) Thus, teachers need to observe children while they play and assess the development of the child because “Knowing the development of a young child helps a teacher to plan the curriculum, to set up activities for individuals, or to ask for special help when necessary” (Beaty, 2014, p. 3).
Play contributes to children’s “physical, emotional and social well-being” (Else, 2009, p.8) and through play, the child’s holistic development and well-being is being constantly accounted for as is it led by the individual. The child decides what s/he wants to do and does it; it is
The terms “play”, “learn” and “teach” are commonly used in the early childhood sector. This essay attempts to define and interconnect these terms to produce a holistic understanding of how play can be used as a medium to help children learn.
This school is a licensed childcare program and NAEYC accelerated. The center is providing child care program for children age from 2.9 to 5 years old. There is 2 preschool classroom, I did my observation in preschool classroom room no: 1 on 10/2/2017 time from 9am to 10am. There are around 13 children in the classroom. All the children’s engaged several activities like
Did you know that play expands a child’s learning and development? Once parents understand that play is crucial in their child’s life then they can begin to help their son or daughter be the best he or she can be. According to Lev Vygotsky “play shapes how children make sense of their worlds, how they learn thinking skills, and how they acquire language.” After spending time at the Bombeck Center I learned that children play in many diverse ways, thus learning numerous new things within each center in which they interact. Lev Vygotsky along with Jean Piaget researched the need for guided social interaction as well as the necessity for spontaneous, self-discovered learning. The Bombeck Center focuses on a play-based learning curriculum to ensure a child’s ability to access social interactions and self-discoveries at the tip of their fingers.
My journey as an early childhood education student at South Dakota State University has proved to be an exciting, challenging, enriching, and an eye opening experience. Originally when I started at South Dakota State University I was a journalism major, but I recognized very quickly that I wasn’t truly passionate about writing. My true passion was working with children and their families. At the end of my freshman year I changed my major to early childhood education and the following semester is when my journey began.
Toddlers and preschoolers are at different developmental stages, and therefore require their teachers to use different approaches and techniques to further learning. I completed my observations at the Bright and Early Children’s Learning Center where I observed a toddler classroom and a preschool classroom. My observations took place from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. on the 21st and 28th of September. The first day that I observed I was placed in the toddler classroom which had two teachers, Miss Ashlynn and Miss Miranda, and six students, most of whom were two years old. In the preschool classroom there was one teacher, Miss Stephanie, and eight students, each of whom were 3 years old or 4 years old. While the rooms were physically similar, the teachers used different strategies and activities to appeal to the different age groups.
I believe that as an early childhood educator my goal will be to promote the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of each child. I also believe that play should be the base of learning since children learn best by doing. I believe that a balance between teacher-directed and child-initiated activities is essential balance can be developed by using the developmentally appropriate practice approach, which means that activities should be “appropriate for each child and relevant to the child’s ability, needs and interests, also including the child’s family and being respectful to the child’s culture.
Early childhood is a time of curiosity, a time for play, and a time of rapid development. Every child is unique and deserving of an early childhood education that facilitates academic, social, and developmental growth through a variety of enjoyable experiences. Differentiated instruction adapts content, products and processes to meet the diverse learning needs and preferences of students (Thousand, Villa, & Nevin, 2007). Friedrich Froebel, the creator of Kindergarten, believed that children grow and learn as they play (Bruno, 2009). Play-based instruction not only enables young learners to have fun, but it also encourages interactive and cooperative learning, passion for discovery, and a foundation for later learning experiences
Along with knowing the purpose of quality daycare/child care facilities, the next important factor is to be aware of what generates a high quality daycare/child care facility. It is vital to know the characteristics because these prime objectives are the driving forces influenced by what children need in order to succeed and grow in their developmental skills. Fundamentally, “High quality [preschool] education can support early development in ways that yield long term social, cognitive and emotional benefits” (Barnett 2005, p1). The most essential aspect of a high quality facility are the trained, certified and attentive teachers hired to support children’s developmental needs. They ensure this by respectful interaction,
Educators can facilitate the children with different materials and environments in the classrooms that are in the early learning centres. The children need to develop their minds cognitively. “Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world” (Berk 2007). Children are needing to develop their abilities through their play experiences, and also through their play experiences, they can develop appropriately. Early childhood education plays a large part in a child's early development.
In this term paper I will explore infant and toddler curriculum. I will discuss: the developmental themes in infancy, infant toddler curriculum, and the differences between preschool curriculum and appropriate infant toddler curriculum. In conclusion I will share some of my personal feelings about infant and toddler curriculum, including the challenges and rewards.