Wellness is about you. It is about learning to love your whole self. It is about assuming charge of your life, living in process, and channeling life energy. It is about choices. It is about the one way to wellness - your way. Wellness is a priority in my life. In my opinion as a nation we manage our weight incorrectly. One may work out for 7 days then weigh themselves at the end of that week expecting a change. Moreover, one may only manage their weight when getting an annual checkup. One may eat healthy for a couple of weeks then began eating unhealthy all over again. I do believe we are active as nation. Whether we attempt for a week or month, everyone at least tries to be active. According to the Fast food, Fat profits: Obesity in America
According to the text, "Wellness has been defined as purposeful, enjoyable living or, more specifically, a deliberate lifestyle choice characterized by personal responsibility and optimal enhancement of physical, mental and spiritual health.
For a fulfilling, healthy balanced life Kevin M Norris confirms in his article “Finding Balance: 6 Dimensions of Wellness” that following the six dimensions could lead to improvement in unhealthy lifestyles. Norris expresses that when you evolve the six dimensions of wellness it could be used as a model or a guide. Norris begins to list off the 6 dimensions which are physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, environmental and social. When Norris begins to explain of each dimensions balance each other he states, “Each dimension forms a piece of a lifestyle pie; without one piece, there is a void, a missing link that imbalances the remainder of the dimensions’. In order to take control or to achieve a goal to become healthy and maintain
The health status of the population in the United States is a national priority. The Healthy People 2020 outlines priorities and to improve the health of individuals and communities across the country. Healthy People 2020 is defined as a comprehensive set of national objectives for “improving the health of all Americans” (Healthy People 2020, n.d, para. 1). The Healthy people 2020, is aimed at improving the health of individuals and communities and envisions “a society in which all people live long, healthy lives” (Healthy People 2020, n.d, para 4). A short priority list was developed and contains twenty-six objectives knowns as Leading Health Indicators (LHI). The list of objectives was created to prioritize health issues that must be addressed and to find appropriate actions to take in order to improve the health of the population.
The two principles of wellness are physical wellness and social wellness. Physical wellness means ability to recognize the benefits of physical activities and adopting healthy habits such as routine check-ups of vital signs, a balanced diet and exercise while avoiding the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive use of alcohol. (Floyd, Mimms & Yelding 2008). Second, social wellness is characterized by the ability of an individual to connect with other people in the world and become aware of their importance in the society as well as take an active part in improving our surrounding by encouraging healthier living and build a better living space in the community (Hettler, 1976).
Essentially,mainly everyone wants or seeks to be healthy. What is concerned to be healthy? Being healthy is being physically and mentally in well-being and not possessing any health dieases.In order to achieve healthiness one doesn’t have to change their lifestyles dramatically,one can start out with baby steps and then way their way up. Even the most miniature changes make a significant difference in the human body.
Every 6th person in America doesn’t have enough food to eat to stay healthy. Everyone can relate to how people take food for granted, or how much food people waste, and even knowing how to help the hungry. I want to help and so does everyone else who cares about the people in need, starving or not. Why does no one want to help the world? Why is this happening? How will I make a difference?
In this editorial, Henrie M. Treatwell, PhD and April M. W Young, PhD, utilise methodologies of data analysis with the aim of report improvement. They identify disparities within the US in men’s health in contrast to female population groups. Additionally, following the 2011 European Commission report that addressed the need for focus on men’s health and improving such disparities worldwide, they note that national and global public health sectors neglected to investigate the dynamics of inequalities between illness and premature mortality in the male population. They recognise the pertinence of risk/protective factors regarding wellness/disease and encourage a US report to allow examination of the various social determinants to identify and
The three sections of the Wellness Triangle are, first, the Physical section -- which refers to the physical health of a person, including things such as the frequency of one’s exercise, their eating habits and diet, the percentage of one’s body mass which consists of fat/muscle, the amount of sleep they typically get, and personal hygiene -- second, the Mental/Emotional section -- which refers to the mental and emotional health and/or stability of a person, including things such as if one does or does not have mental illnesses such as depression, severe anxiety, and/or any disorders
Health. Wellness is not an absolute conception, but exists in the framework of the health obstacles of the human being (Kearney-Nunnery, 2012). Health, a dynamic process,
sleep. The factors that I attribute to these current heath behaviors are: a lack of social support and
The burden of diabetes in the United States has become a persistent threat to the health and welfare of the people and the nation. Diabetes is ranked the seventh cause of death. Diabetes is a disease characterized by high levels of blood glucose caused by problems in insulin production, working of the produced insulin, or even both, which results in serious complications and ultimately death (National Diabetes Education Program, 2007). Type-two diabetes however, occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin or make use of insulin the body produces effectively. It has been diagnosed in all shades of the U.S. population, and Hispanics are nearly as twice (12.8%) to have diabetes compared to non-Hispanic whites (7.6%) (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Hispanics are disproportionately afflicted with diabetes compared with other ethnicities like Non-Hispanic whites or Asian Americans, looking at levels of diabetes complications (Appendix A, Figure 1).
An aseptic path it is when one refers to holistic health, in which it is directed towards the rebirth and restoration of the body, mind, soul, and spirit, all in which it assimilates the propositions of a pure primitive healing remedy that increases the ambition of taking pleasure in vigor, spirit and the health of one, as it is a lifestyle that integrates the continuation and perseverance of wholeness and eudaemonia. A mutual holistic viewpoint within society can enhance the conditions that take place in the medical field and health care in the United States, if these raw prescriptions and treatments are acknowledged more and seen as an essential towards the health of a community then it is possible that there will be a transformation in the way society decides to take care of one's own
Eldercare Market- This market is growing considerably annual as the baby boomer generation is starting to retire. By 2030, the US Census Bureau predicts, almost a fifth of the population will be over the age of 65.
There will be five dimensions explained under this topic. Which are: Financial dimension, physical dimension, intellectual dimension, emotional dimension and social dimension. Wellness is substantially more than only physical wellbeing, activity or sustenance. It is the full coordination of conditions of these five dimensions.
Physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, spiritual, and environmental wellness are all considered the six dimensions of wellness with occupational wellness being the possible seventh. But what are these exactly? And how do they apply to me and my health and wellness?