
West Side Story Analysis

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Race and social status in culture is not only shown in history, it is also depicted in several films such as the original 1968 Planet of the apes, and 1961 West side story. Both films are unique in their own ways but go hand in hand presenting specific perspectives on race and social status from the beginning of history through today.
In the reading West side story by Alberto Sandoval he explains how the film perpetuates the image of racial problems explaining that the film has its profound structure expressing segregation and racial preferences towards Latinos. The film makers presented the immigrants as stereotypical Puerto Ricans making their skin tones darker, black haired, skinny. The jets are blond, strong, and healthy. The clarity …show more content…

The authors say perhaps the restrictions were based on people thinking immigrants were “undesirable elements”. The reading also touches on American being the melting pot of ethnicities being blended together Mexican Americans, African Americans and others were excluded from the analogy of America being a melting pot. In other words, racist! Racism is seen in the Jets, Sharks, and Police officers throughout the West side story production. The Jets are openly bias against the Puerto Ricans simply because they are not of their race and are immigrants. In the film neither the Jets or sharks want Maria or Tony to be together because of their racial and cultural differences. The officers portray racism in their character being against the idea of immigration. An example of the officers being racist is at the war meeting in the film, Krupke throws the Puerto Ricans out of the candy shop for no reason. Although the officers show some hatred to both the jets and the sharks it is more in the direction of the Puerto Ricans. On the contrary the Planet of the ape’s film also portrays vast amounts of racism. The film is not so much racist it is rather reflecting the time period of slavery, and desegregation in America. The tables turn showing the whites treated like animals, they are considered to have no sort of intelligence, and because of their skin color, unhuman. African Americans are represented by apes,

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