
Discovering Europe Essay

Decent Essays

Discovering Europe
Europe is located in the Western and Northern Hemispheres on the European continent. Europe lies north of the African continent, south of the Arctic continent, west of the Asian continent and east of the North Atlantic Ocean. Europe is known as one of the most dense natural environments due to the nation’s strong laws and regulations on recycling, energy efficiency, and pollution. In addition to this, Europe is a trendsetter when it comes to addressing issues related to climate change and global warming. Europe’s current population is 743.1 million and has little to no population growth. Lack of immigration results in a solution for labor needs but proves to be a difficult social issue. Due to Europe’s extensive history of internal cultural tensions, there is a multitude of cultural differences in language and religion. Currently, most issues concerning Europe are correlated to immigrant groups as they resolve contemporary social relations with European cultures. Europe’s geopolitical framework was established after half a century of Cold War that divided Europe into two contentious camps, East and West. However, Europe is now experiencing widespread political integration of former adversaries. After fifty diligent years, the European Union achieved advancement toward nationwide peace and prosperity when referring to Europe’s economic and social development. Nonetheless, there are still challenges within the European Union, particularly in the East and

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