
Western Feminism: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

This article was about a study done on English speaking Muslim women living in North Carolina who choose to wear a Hijab and their attitudes about Western feminism (pg. 325). Twelve different Muslim women were interviewed and ten out of the twelve said they identified with Western feminism in some fashion (pg. 329). There was no specific age of when the Muslim women started to wear the Hijab. Some started around the age of nine, some later in there 30s and 40s (pg. 328). All women said they decided to cover out of faith and not because of political reasoning or force (pg. 328). What I found very interesting was the women had better body image and satisfaction. Western feminism always pushes body image and rejects veiling, yet many Western women have very poor body image and a shocking number of young girls deal with eating disorders (pg. 330). While some veiled women still face negative body image, it appears from this study it is not nearly as great at traditional Western feminism women. All of the Muslim women interviewed also said they felt very empowered by veiling and with their faith (pg. 329). Western feminism is constantly voicing that women …show more content…

However, that just may be because in this class I feel like we have covered that previously. I do feel like current Western feminism if very hypocritical when they reject veiled Muslim women. I feel like many do not take the time to hear real stories from Muslim women who choose to wear a Hijab. They just see the way Western media portrays the Hijab and do not look further. If current Western feminism took the time to hear these stories they would realize these veiled women are after the same things they are after. They feel empowered, have positive body image, and feel confident. In my opinion but veiled Muslim women and Western feminist are fighting for the same things, but some Western feminist are not digging deep enough to realize

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