
What A Net Zero Energy Building?

Satisfactory Essays

The Department of Energy is continuing its efforts to collect, study and improve upon its Net Zero Energy efforts. With the continuous increase in energy use by commercial buildings, and the ample amounts of new buildings being constructed each year with little “retirement” of old buildings, the DOE is looking for options/best practices for the future. The overall purpose of this article is to deliver insight into the DOE efforts in realizing cost effective net zero energy buildings.
This article explains exactly what a Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) is and how to achieve such a building. They offer several definitions for this concept to illustrate how alignment and clearly measurable goals are important to the success of the NZEB concept.
With the evidence presented from actual buildings and hard set goals for the future, this article lends to the belief that going “green” and building more sustainable structures is not an option but a future way of life.
The intended audience for this article is the decision makers for large, “key,” commercial contractors, engineers, and designers, specifically in the HVAC field, as well as influential energy conservationists on the hill. By targeting this carefully selected group, the DOE is hoping to increase awareness, improve attitudes towards the effort, and encourage the implementation of net zero systems in construction projects moving forward.
With the intended audience and overall information presented throughout this

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