
What Are Martin Luther King Jr's Major Accomplishments

Decent Essays

For these valuable reasons Martin Luther King Jr. started and stood strong on his beliefs on equal rights. King created a huge following, that included standing up for African-Americans freedom and the right to vote. Although Martin Luther King Jr.’s Civil Rights Movement, were thought to helped only African-Americans; it also helped many other ethnics groups from all around the world that come here to the United States. Including; white Americans that were already in this country. With the help of King’s goals and accomplishments, this actually benefited not only that time period, but the future as well. By giving a voice to all ethnic races.

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. As a young boy, growing up King had encounter racism, but in the end he was a proud African American. King took classes at Morehouse to improve his academics. For his college senior year, King planned to study to become a Baptist. He graduated Morehouse College in of the year 1951, earning himself a Bachelor of Divinity Degree. Howard Thurman; who was a civil rights leader had created an impacted in King’s life. Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated his life creating a movement that would help anyone in need of a voice. …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. goals were to, end segregation and racial dismartion in the United States. And for racial equality. King and his followers mainly fought for, “...equality and human rights for African Americans”. African Americans were tired of being pushed around, that they wanted to create a voice to be heard. A voice saying that they want to be treated equally, have fair rights, and to exercise their right to

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