
What Are Pesonality Traits in the Work Environment

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What are Personality Traits in the Work Environment?
What exactly are personality traits in the work environment? Personality traits are simply a person’s actions, attitudes, and behaviors being displayed. The work environment being covered is currently in need of what many call an extreme intervention. Currently several coworkers are dealing with one individual who is using various counterproductive work behaviors to create a negative work environment. Many of these behaviors include harassing coworkers, creating un-welcomed conflict, not being truthful, sabotage, and purposely withholding information from others.
Ms. Helpful is Assigned
As these measures of negativity persisted in the work group it becomes very challenging for all others including the manager. The conflict that several parties are currently observing has be-come extremely divergent, and is negatively affecting employees in the work group. Finally after several complaints about a certain individual to management, it was decided there was a strong need for intervention. The group was assigned a Human Resource Liaison Ms. Helpful.
Although, Ms. Helpful is a mediator at this point. It is well known that mediators have a defining control factor with the intervention processes. A mediator develops the language and manages the development and environment of communications with the involved coworkers. “However, the parties make the final decision about how to resolve their differences. Thus, me-diators have

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