
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Bitmap Vs. Vector Graphics?

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In the presently highly digital world we live in, there are essentially two types of graphic “files” used, the bitmap and the vector graphics. Both have an overall similar principal but differ in various sub-arrays, which bring along each of their own advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, the word bitmap originated in the year 1973, and came to be by adding the words bit + map which literally means a map of bits, which perfectly describes the nature of a bitmap graphic. A bitmap is composed of thousands of pixels, each of which has it’s own fixed position and can be individually edited, which forms an overall bitmap graphic/image. Bitmaps are largely the standard for Internet graphics but however contain disadvantages. Bitmaps are largely …show more content…

The differences between the two are that each caters better for different purposes. To begin with, bitmaps are better suited when viewing realistic images with many fine details since it is comprised of thousands of pixels. Vector graphics do not possess these many pixels, that is why they are more suited for graphics with more “cartoon-like” form. Secondly, when it comes to scalability and the re-sizing and enlargement of images, vectors by far have the upper hand. As opposed to “ready-made” fixed set of pixels, vectors are comprised of lines and shapes, which can be re-rendered to leave the new image with smooth, non-distorted lines. Additionally, bitmaps and vectors differ when it comes to file size. In the case of bitmaps, the file size depends on the size of the image/graphic, the larger the image = the more pixels it contains = the larger it’s size. However in the case of vectors, file size depends on the complexity of the image/graphic, the more complex the image = the greater the number of objects it’s comprised of = the larger it’s size. And finally shape, whereas bitmaps …show more content…

When written, the width measurement is always written first. Aspect ratios all have to deal with the amount of empty space you are willing to have surrounding the “main subject”. Awareness of the different aspect ratios provided by the device in hand may lead to better compositions in the image. The difficulties with aspect ratio are that when there is an inconsistency, one must either crop the image or compromise the size of the image. Furthermore, when the aspect ratio of a particular image is not compatible with the screen, upon which it’s displayed, black stripes are used to adjust the difference without compromising the

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