A. I would support experimentation with the animals in consideration, to a certain extent, on how they are being treated. It should be distributed over a broad variety of animals, within reason. I'm not opposed to killing animals if it is for science. Some of our beloved pets pass from cancer, just like our loved ones. Curing cancer would not only help humans but some animals as well. Once the experimentation is completed, whomever conducted it should try to promote the repopulation of the animal lives that were lost, especially in the event of wrong doing on too many of one species. Most animals that are tested on are rats that are bred specifically for the means of experimentation, it is a loss but not a great loss.
B. My answer would be different because cancer is a disease that can’t always be averted, alcoholism can’t always be prevented as well, but for the majority of cases it could have been. Those who suffer from alcoholism, should be treated with counseling and medical attention. More lives have been lost from cancer than from alcoholism. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"
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Animals die everyday for science, it is what researchers do to help us get closer to making lives better. Humans should be given more information on opportunities to offer themselves as test subjects for research, in replacement of some animals. If some companies say that they do not test their products on animals, then all companies should be informed of their alternative way of testing.
D. I buy the products I know and love, if they happen to have not been tested on animals then it is a bonus. The makeup brand I rely on the most does not test on animals; therefore, I support their company and
Each year more than 100 million animals die due to animal testing. Animal testing is the use of procedures used on animals for medicinal use, diseases, cosmetic products, etc (“ About Animal Testing”).The anti animal testing movement does not only try and prevent the deaths of animals we consider pets but they show how inhuman and cruel animal testing really is. You should support organizations like PETA that prevent animal testing.
Animals, whether cats in the house or lions on the savannah, reserve the right to life. The disregard for animal life has been equated to racism or sexism; acting on principles of disrespect for life and thoughts of discrimination (Animal Testing and Ethics). The continuation of animal testing and experimentation take an enormous psychological toll on humanity, leading to rationalization and flawed justification. To carry on this path would darken the mark this animal abuse is currently leaving on our humanity, one step towards yet another fault in human nature.
Animal testing is cruel, unnecessary, and preventable. According to the article Argument against animal testing “The support for animal testing is based largely on anecdote and is not backed up, we believe, by the scientific evidence that is out there.” What is being said about animal testing is just based on a story and it is not being backed up with actual proof that we need. People believe whatever scientists are saying, but, how do we know what they are saying is true? Many people say animals do not get hurt during testing because they think that animals are protected under the Animal Welfare Act. But in reality is The Animal Welfare Act is not doing anything beneficial toward animals. Noah Berlatsky noted that “The Animal Welfare Act allows animals to be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, forcibly restrained, addicted to drugs, and brain-damaged.” This is not protection. We need effective laws against
Have you ever lost a loved one or even heard of someone passing away from a preventable disease that could’ve been stopped if the medicine to cure them was tested? About 21,000 people died around the world today from preventable illnesses. That number can easily be reduced to a much smaller number if doctors and scientists had the capability to test medications on animals. However, some argue that making an animal suffer is terrible, who would you rather want suffering? Your best friend? Or a random rat or mouse? The choice is yours. Animal testing should be used because, it can save lives, there is no other way to test the medicine properly and they help us to figure out what to change in the medicine so that it works the next time.
Finally, the products test on animals is completely pointless because feasible alternatives are available. Advances in technology have conveyed many other applicable alternatives to research on animals. Some of the alternatives are the use of new imaging technologies, using human cell and tissue cultures, post-mortem studies, laboratory results analysis and endoscopic analysis. Moreover, molecular epidemiology has also shown substantial potential in identifying the causes of human diseases. Currently, medical students are also taught using new and emerging technologies which are more effective and may not engage using animals for the research. Such technologies include clinical experience, interactive computer programs, human-patient simulators, studying case reports, didactic methods, and safe human-based teaching methods. The above-mentioned methods have proven to be more effective as the student is not distracted with the possibility of potentially maiming or killing an innocent animal. Therefore, when successful means of product testing are available without the use of animals, so testing potentially deadly substances on animals is
First and foremost, animal testing leads to unnecessary animal deaths. “Animal experimenters want us to believe that if they gave
Imagine you are an animal with no voice, and certainly no way to consent. You have been sent to a lab where a new over the counter drug will be tested. On you. But you do not know that. All you know is that you are in pain, and you want it to stop. As many as 100 million animals face that unknown fear of pain as well as suffering each year(PETA). Animal testing, in our modern world, is almost completely ineffective due to a multitude of alternative testing methods, false results, and expenses.
Thesis: The debate on whether using animals is the correct choice of method for testing out experiments and products, is still up for discussion, considering that animals have helped us in finding many treatments and cures in the past. Today, with new technology, we no longer need the use of animals, as there are now alternatives to this practice. Companies and labs that originally started out using animals as test subjects are starting to switch over to new alternatives, as they are more accurate compared to the old methods that was used in the past.
An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing (PROCON.ORG, 2015) and More than 4 million animals are experimented on inside British laboratories in 2012 (ANIMAL AID, 2014). Killing animals by laboratory experiments generates a lot of anxiety about the future of wildlife, which led to the writing of this essay. In the beginning of this essay, It will discuss both Points of View against testing on animals. After that it will demonstrate review of cruelty and brutality suffered by the experimental animals. It will then focus on the alternative methods and finally It will be shown that testing on animals is out of date. In spite of the practice of experimenting on live animals gives
Jeremy Bentham, an 18th century English philosopher, once said, “The question is not, can they reason? Nor, can they talk? But, can they suffer?” Peter Singer’s 1975 book Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals, in which he discusses animal suffering, rights, and equality, prompted the discussion of animal cruelty and experimentation in the cosmetics and medical industry. Industries should not test their products on animals because it is unethical and there are alternative methods that prove to be more accurate. Technology permits researchers to create alternative tests that deliver more accurate results.
Have you ever witnessed a white mouse with the terror filling his eyes as he looked out of his bleak cage and into the face of the big man with the lab coat? Or have you ever seen a pregnant rabbit being tortured by the people you call scientists? One of the questions facing society today is whether or not animals should be used in scientific experimentation. Animal rights activists have pointed out the fact that animals play an important role in nature and human’s lives. Killing animals for any purpose is one of the steps that will destroy Mother Nature as well as the human race. For this reason, animal testing should not be used in scientific welfare and cosmetic industry.
Another argument made by supporters of animal testing is that alternative methods are not adequate enough for companies to feel confident putting a product on the market. Cheryl Wischhover quotes the executive vice president of government affairs at the Personal Care Products Council in her article saying, “the FDA hasn’t approved many alternative testing methods that would satisfy their requirements on the safety of certain ingredients,” so this makes it harder for companies to trust in alternative methods (Wischhover). The FDA themselves state that though they do not require animal testing for safety, “the agency has consistently advised cosmetic manufacturers to employ whatever testing is appropriate and effective for substantiating the
An estimated 115.3 million animals around the world are used every year for commercial and scientific testing(“Experiments Around World”). The use of these animals in testing is to develop ideas and drugs for medical treatment, determine how toxic the medicines are, check the safety before human use, and many other diseases and health care issues. So are animals the best option that scientists have to test on? Right now there are millions of mice, rabbits, cats, dogs, primates and other animals stuck in cages across the country so alone and frightened(Animal Testing 101). These harmful tests that scientists perform on animals represent bad science and a highly unethical practice.
When visiting an animal shelter, petting the beloved family dog, or seeing a funny cat video on Facebook, it’s hard not to melt at the sight. Who could ever harm such cute, innocent creatures? It may be hard to think of how that could be possible, yet many companies have no problem hurting animals for their own benefit. Medication brands spanning the U.S., China, Germany, Canada and more test their products on animals daily to approve them for human use. Cruelty Free International and the Dr. Hadwen Trust state that at least 115 million animals may be used in experiments worldwide each year. The experiments administered to the poor animals are cruel and unethical, ranging from breeding them with the purpose of inducing mental illnesses or skinning them raw and injecting them with electrodes and chemicals. Furthermore, research has proved that the results are so unreliable and faulty that the testing is not even necessary. Evidence has proven that animals are subjected to unimaginable horrors during animal testing for the purpose of advancing the modern medical world, yet the entire operation is unnecessary for several reasons.
Animal testing has been a major issue ever since it began. Many people over time began to realize that it is immoral and that animals deserve rights just as much as humans do. Although many people have realized that animal testing is wrong, there is still an abundance of others who believe that there is nothing wrong with animal testing. Imagine if someone had a pet that they love and someone performed harmful, painful, and fear inducing experiments on them, would the owner think it is okay? No. Then why do people think it is okay to conduct tests on other animals that will feel all the same emotions as someone's beloved pet? Animal testing is wrong and more efforts need to be put into place to stop this cruel act because it is not always accurate, there are alternatives to the practice, and it is not ethical.