
What Are The Benefits Of An Email Marketing Campaign?

Good Essays

Tom's business has become stagnant and he's been looking for email marketing campaign ideas for small business owners that won't take up too much of his time or money. Tom feels that this might be just the thing his business needs to boost sales. However, Tom doesn't quite know where to begin.
What Are the Benefits of an Email Marketing Campaign
Marketing trends tend to come and go, but email marketing is the one constant that has remained a viable and effective method for boosting sales and maximizing income goals since internet marketing began. There are plenty of benefits that come from implementing an email marketing campaign, such as:
• Lower in cost than other marketing methods.
• It's extremely targeted.
• Email marketing increases …show more content…

Just don't forget to personalize those email coupon offers.
4. GIFs Are Fun and Attract Attention
Animated GIFs will quickly grab the reader's attention as soon as they open your email. They also instantly draw attention to their location in any given content. Therefore, you should strategically place your GIFs next to the important pieces of your email to draw attention to that location in your message.
5. The VIP Approach
Everyone wants to feel special; therefore, sending your audience an email from your President, CEO, or another top figure in your company is a great way to build trust, loyalty, and garner authority with your brand. Keep the design simple and choose any topic of interest that coincides with trending news or the latest news worthy issue regarding your company and/or its status.
6. Abandoned Cart Email Tactic
When a buyer abandons your shopping cart, send them an email reminder or incentive that will encourage them to complete the sale. This works well for winning back customers while creating a positive brand experience. Sometimes people have browsed so many different websites they forget where they've been and this email tactic solves that problem.
7. Highlight Social Proof
More people trust word-of-mouth over just about any other recommendation, even if it's from a stranger. Therefore, using social proof in your emails could help your

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