Did you know that there is a three percent decrease in dropout rates in year-round schools? This could be very beneficial to students who might consider dropping out of highschool. With the year-round calendar, the school work would not be as overwhelming at the beginning of the school year. This is why all schools should be on the year-round calendar.
Schools on a year round schedule can prevent overcrowding. Multi-track schools can house more students because of different “track” schedules. Multi-track means while one “track” is on break, another “track” is in school. If you fill each track to its limit, you will effectively house more students than you would with the traditional school calendar. Because of this, school districts can save the money, time, and effort of building another elementary or middle school. Why is all this important? Well with the extra money, the school district can give teachers raises, or improve their already existing building. Plus, schools could possibly get more money from the extra students coming in. Even if you don’t get extra money, more students are getting the benefit of getting educated close to home.
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The different track schedules, such as the aforementioned 45-15, give students breaks between each quarter. With the 45-15 “track”, students go to school nine weeks, 45 days, and are on break for three weeks, 15 days. There are also a few scattered breaks throughout the school year. There are many benefits that come with this. The most important is probably the fact that there is less “brain drain”. Brain drain is the term for the loss of knowledge learned the previous school year over summer break. Since the breaks during the school are elongated, the summer break is shortened. This cuts down on the brain
Did you know that all year round schools are the same length as regular schools? As of now are school day length is roughly 180 days, the all year round schools are roughly 180 days long. The only reason why people think that you go to school longer in a year round school is because you only get a month off in the summer, the rest of the time is spread out between our Easter and Christmas holidays. Pros of year round schooling would include longer breaks on holidays, for example, instead of getting two weeks off during the Christmas holidays we might get three weeks off for Christmas holidays. Another pro of year round schooling would be would be, the school would not be empty for two months at a time, when the school is empty for two months at a time the owner starts to lose money because they are still paying for water and power bills even though nothing is being used. A con of all year round schooling would be you don’t graduate from school earlier than all of the other schools, just because you only get one month off in the summer doesn't mean that you still learn for an extra month. Year round schooling holidays are just separated more compared to just having two months off during summer and a week or two off during holidays. The final pro of having year round schooling would be not having the school closed for two month at a time. One of the worst things about year round schooling is summer holidays, the person who pays the bills for year round schooling is not getting
Year-round schools have gained popularity among the United States, being a very communicated topic within middle class communities. These schools are generally argued about by whether they are beneficial or not. While there are many advantages to year-round schools, there are some disadvantages as well. A few of these disadvantages include the expenses of the schools, the schedules the schools provide, the involvement within the schools, and the actual effectiveness of these schools.
using a multi track year-round calendar can allow a school to enroll up to 50 percent more students. More than two million students go to year-round schools. The last reason why year-round school would be a positive thing is the effect on budgets advocated claim a year-round calendar allows school facilities to be used most effectively because they are not sitting empty for months at a time during summer
Believe it or not keeping a school open costs quite a bit of money. If schools are open longer the maintenance costs go up about 10% more. Many people believe that having school year-round education may be cheaper but it certainly does not guarantee savings. These costs may add up and in turn interfere with budgets for other programs that are already struggling with funding such as sports, music, arts and other programs funded by the state. Also lets not forget air conditioning is not free. With today's current economy most students have to pay for their collage and in result get summer jobs or part-time jobs to raise money. Year-round schooling could make it difficult for students to keep jobs and save their money. Low income families can get hurt in this situation. Lastly, teachers must be paid for all the weeks they are working, with all these factors the cost of keeping schools open skyrockets. In Tempe, AZ, a high school experienced an increase of $157,000 per
Schools financially benefit from becoming year-round. According to Jaclyn Zubrzycki there are several programs such as School Improvement grant, that offer financial incentives. Also in a traditional school year the facilities are not being used unlike when you have a balanced calendar the facilities and equipment are being put to more use. Not only do schools finacially benifit from year round schools but so do the parents. “Families' budgets might benefit from the reduced costs associated with being be able to travel in off-season times,” wrote Amy Pearson , from Settle
Year round schooling may sound scary but read this and I might change your mind. Year round school is pretty much what is sounds like, except it is the same amount of school days as a regular year, and it has more spread out breaks. Year round school would be beneficial because it consist of less review due to “summer slide”, more “family time”, and longer more spread out breaks.
Does year round school truly have a positive impact in the lives of students? Various studies do suggest that year round school is helpful. There are some disadvantages to this type of schooling that are preventing all schools from switching to this type of scheduling. In earlier times schools were only teaching throughout half of the year so that school would be out of session when it was time to work in the fields. This type of scheduling is still common today even though only a small portion of agriculture is tied into education and kids are no longer required to work. “In 1994, the National Education Commission on Time and Learning (1994) urged school districts to develop school calendars that acknowledged (a) differences in student learning and (b) the major changes taking place in American society. The report reflected growing concern about how the school calendar relates to students at risk for academic failure” (Cooper, Nye, Charlton, James, & Greathouse). As a result. many are fighting for year-round school. Year-round school has proven to be beneficial in the lives of students and has lead to greater success in the classroom. Although, there are some downfalls to year-round schooling.
Having year round school helps a lot in many different ways. Schools should have year round school because in year round schools relationships and academics are better, it’s easier to go to year round school, and no more staying inside all summer long on video games. First,
Year round school keep students learning ahead of the curb, helps the teachers, and the athletic program. Year round school is more beneficial and healthier for students learning. The most popular 45-15 plan, has students attend school for 45 days and then get three weeks (15 days) off. Students tend to forget a lot during the summer break, so a shorter time away from school might increase retention rates. School system officials have said
I think it's funny that the subject of year-round school is still a topic of debate. The reason is I just want to have good teachers and get a good education. I really don't care when and how the schedule is set up because I know my mom and dad will support me and get me to where and when I need to be. But, if I had a choice I would choose to have a schedule similar to what Nick Castellino writes about in his letter. I feel that of the two letters Nick wrote the one I agreed with more. Nick's letter, seemed to me, to be mainly about doing away with year-round school.
Year round school helps with the complications of childcare issues. Parents won 't have to worry about paying for their child to go to a daycare or a summer camp. Child care can be very expenses and the child might even be upset about going to daycare everyday of the summer. Another child care issue is that if families have older children they could get stuck with watching their younger siblings. Then most of teenagers summer are spent watching their younger siblings when they could be enjoy their summer the way they want.
Is the traditional school calendar really the best option for your local school system? Maybe, having a year-round schooling system would be best. Year-round education is when schools operate on a 180 day school calendar with frequent breaks. Year-round calendars also don’t include a long summer vacation(Melissa Kelly, February 21,2017). A traditional school in America has a 10-month school calendar, but, many are switching to the year-round calendar. Some are switching to maintain more consistent instruction. A few others are switching in order to save money(Grace Chen, July 2017, Public School Review). There are over 3,000 year-round schools in the United States today. Year-round schools first started in major cities or towns like, Chicago, Boston, Washington D.C., Cleveland, Buffalo and Detroit. But, Los Angeles has the most year-round schools, over 500, in the nation. And there are only 10% of public school students who attend a year-round school. This can be beneficial for both teachers,students and even the families involved. The dropout rate is 2% lower than traditional schools( Niche ,2016). The absence rate is also lower, about 1% lower to be exact. This type of system can increase the school building capacity which means there’s no overcrowding. More education would be provided to lower income families or a child that is disabled. Studies also show that year-round schools have higher test scores than traditional schools. Changing the traditional school calendar
It is October 15th. Normally, students would be at school, working for hours on end at math, communication arts, and science. But this year is different. This year your school has now entered into the year-round calendar system. At home, you can enjoy the season of fall with pumpkins, Halloween, and beautiful weather. The idea of year round school has most commonly been pushed aside because of the misconception that it is too much school, or an on-going cycle of learning. However, those who declare this, do not understand the year-round school concept. Year-round school provides the same number of days as the traditional calendar. The difference, which will change our society and the achievement rate of our students in the future, is that the days are reordered into intersessions. The mechanisms of year round school include students attending school for a nine week period, then following this is a three week break. This rotation occurs year-round with a slightly longer summer break. Consequently, Though many people agree with keeping tradition with the popular school calendar, new evidence and testimony proves that year-round school provides the better avenue because the world is evolving, it benefits low income students, and intersessions are more effective than summer break.
Another important advantage for many school districts is that year-round school can enable multi-track schedules. A multi-track schedule is one in which teachers and students are divided into equally sized groups called tracks (Gerard 1). Each track attends school and has vacation at the same time, but there is always at least one track on vacation at any time (1). This is somewhat analogous to our P.E. system at Johnston High. Imagine if everyone had P.E. on the same day; we’d never be able to manage students or fit them into the gyms. This is comparable to our
Some schools with year-round schooling utilize something called the “multi-track” system. Essentially, the school is divided into four or five different “tracks.” Vacations are staggered between the tracks in such as way so that while three out four tracks are currently in school, the other track is on vacation. When one track returns, another track goes on vacation. By staggering vacations, overcrowded schools can alleviate some of the stress of having too many students.