
What Are The Challenges And Challenges Of Adolescent Mental Health

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Challenges and Successes of Adolescent Mental Health Treatment
Across the United States of America there are approximately 20% of the children and adolescent population that have been diagnosed with a mental disorder. The focus is on the adolescents, ages approximately from 10 to 19 years of age, and their struggles, strengths and the development of preventive and interventive measures to increase their functioning and development. Having a mental disorder at such a crucial stage of life development is challenging, but there are additional aspects that can provide this population support through treatment, while at the same time there are barriers. This population has its own set of strengths while having its own set of weaknesses and …show more content…

Some of the needs of this population are the opposite of the above strengths. A large portion of the adolescent population lacks that social familial support system. Some of their stresses and trauma can actually be caused and triggered by those that are supposed to be the supporting roles of their development. This need of affection, safety, unconditional love, positive affirmation, and more can provide an adolescent the means to better process their situation, provide preventive measures, while also addressing the mental health needs. Clinical staff, treatment teams, those collaborating in the best interest of the adolescent need to provide empathy and compassion to try and meet the needs that are lacking.
Developmental Considerations
Adolescents are in a portion of their life developmental cycle that is causing many changes to occur throughout the body, including their brain. There are physical, social, and mental developments occurring that can cause adolescents to struggle, lash out, become defiant, too include isolating themselves. All these things occurring causes a varying level of stressors. Stress can be a beneficial part of life, it allows an adolescent to learn various coping skills, while building their resiliency. The nervous system reacts to the situation in a manner to prepare the body for a need for action or a higher state of alertness. Stress is caused by a

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