
What Are The Challenges In The California Gold Rush

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Four months, horrid water, no food, and a lot of dead travelers. The California Gold Rush had many difficulties, but it was all worth it for gold. Many pioneers traveled to California to find gold, which was first found by….. Most of the travelers died before the journey could finish. The challenges the individuals faced during the California Gold Rush were the dangerous journey to California, the many diseases, and the food shortage. The individuals rode a dangerous journey to California. Those who rode on ship had to tie themselves to the bunks, so no one would fly off while sleeping. Travelers were not used to the travel conditions and most of them died during sea. "Passengers broiled near the equator and froze near the Antarctic. Living quarters aboard ship were dirty, smelly, and crowded." (Saffer, 14) Passengers stayed in boiling, cold, dirty ships to travel to California. Some even slept three to a bunk, which were made of wood. The pioneers had to lighten the load due to certain land conditions, and most ran out of supplies …show more content…

“The oppressive heat and mosquito-infested swamps were miserable. Many travelers caught malaria, dysentery, typhoid, or cholera and died.” There were many diseases that the pioneers didn't know about yet. A lot died because they didn’t know how to treat it. As travelers stopped in other towns, some found that most doctors didn’t have enough medicine for the disease. (...) Once again, there were some diseases that could not be treated, because no one knew about them. The doctors, also didn't expect so many people to be ill. Water and food became bacteria infested; pioneers developed diseases because of dehydration and lack of vitamin C. No one knew that there would be bacteria in the water, so the travelers drank a lot of it and died. Many diseases killed the travelers, because most of the travelers didn’t have the medicine and didn’t know what to

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