Slavery in the American south was a cruel way of life for slaves. Slaves were treated not to good and had their family taken away from them. Slaves were brutally beat in the American south. Physical pain was a everyday thing for slaves. They were beaten and mistreated for no apparent reason. Harriet Tubman was once lashed 5 times before breakfast. Slaves were lashed a lot of times a day, most of the time for no reason. They were beaten even if they were doing their work and the things the plantation owners wants them to do. In the American south slave families were treated horrible. Plantation owners sold family’s away from each other. Sometimes kids were sold from their family same with the parents. When
America’s south, slavery struggled through pain the slaves struggled with working in the fields they would get beat and not get treated equally.
Two societies, two regions, the north and the south had very different views on slavery and struggled to be on the same terms. Slavery was basically claiming human beings as property. Slavery was very crucial and accepted in the southern states. In the south, slavery was considered a necessity in order to maintain the agricultural economy of the entire region. The fertile soil and climate of the southern region made it ideal for large scale farms (plantations) and crops like tobacco and cotton. Slavery was a southerner’s way of life as economic growth stimulated from the ever-expanding system of staple crop production, notably cotton that depended on the labor of at most 4 million slaves. Slaveholders worked these African American slave’s days in and out on plantation farms growing crops mostly cotton that was also sold to the north! The southerners protested that slavery could not be eliminated without
Slaves had never been treated as humans they were always beaten for ridiculous things. The first hand account of John Andrew Jackson an ex-slave shows how bad slaves really had it in his book The Experience of a Slave in South Carolina:
Enslaved people were treated extremely harshly by Southern slave owners. Slaves were instructed to do heavy labor, and if they did not worth to their maximum ability they were cruelly treated with whippings, beatings, and they were sometimes even maimed. Slaves barely had enough food, clothing, and shelter to get through
It's hard to believe that there was a time in American history where human beings had no rights, were considered possessions, and could be treated in the most horrific ways and then be prosecuted for being pushed to the limit where they break down and do terrible thing they wouldn't naturally do just because of their skin color, ethnicity or gender. By The time of the mid-1800's slavery in the northern states seemed to have been getting better not to say the same for the south. Slavery was still a big part in the southern state; you had indentured servants and field workers. Each was having their own task given by their master. However, slaves were not just used for field work or helping out with crops or around the yard. White men would also get woman slaves to be a "wife
Slaves went through many trials,struggles, and challenges in the American South throughout their lives. Some struggles were how they were treated and how their families were treated. But out of all this a few people had hope and courage to fight for their freedom and rights. One struggle that slaves were put through was how they were mistreated. Slaves were beaten and mistreated for the work and effort they gave.
American slavery in the South made a lot of people give up their freedom and there life. This made a lot of people separate from their families and be mistreated. Which shows how bad it was in the South.
Slavery in the American South Life for slaves in the American South was not easy. Slaves endured the families being split up and difficult work environments. Family life wasn’t easy for slaves because they often couldn’t choose where they lived. In the text about Harriet Tubman it reads,’’Her owner sold three of her sisters to a faraway planation.’’ Another example is when Frederick Douglass was taken away from his grandmother and told he had to live with the plantation owner.
Slaves in the south was about one- third od the southern population. Most of the slaves lived either on a small plantations or large farms. The slave owners make their slaves depend on them for everything like food, shealther, and others. Slaves where not allowed to learn how to read and write. The woman that where in slaver were tooking advantage off secual by their slave master. Slaves were allowed to get married and raise large familys eventhought the marriage had no legal basis. Nat Turner led one of the slave revolt, His group had about 75 blacks and they murdered about 60 white people in two days before they where stoped by the militia forces.
Enslaved African Americans were treated like animals in the south, without any rights, received no pay for their long hours of daily work, could not have a day off unless their master allowed them to therefore they were very irritated, angry, rebellious, and attacked their masters for this. This is why the African Americans fled up north early before all blacks were granted
Slavery in America was a horrific time period that negatively affected African Americans, and still affect some to this day. Africans were kidnapped from their homes, brought overseas in an inhuman effort, tortured, beaten, and forced to work long grueling hours for no pay. Because of the color of their skin they were considered worthless, and they were also considered as property. Whites did not recognize African Americans as human beings, and
The south is the slavery that everyone knows of with slaves from Africa who are born into their lives of torture. These slaves worked on the plantations and were never able to gain freedom from their lives as slaves. They worked in treacherous working conditions and masters owned them. Their masters could sell them whenever they wanted to and whipped them constantly, sometimes for no reason. Families split up, religion was lost, and scars spread across the slaves backs from the harsh whips. Thomas Jefferson wanted to put an end to this form of slavery, so he proposed a document that would do so.
The slaves in the south were treated harsh. The slaves are treated Harsh because of the New Technology it was lots of work, so the south wanted more slaves to work on the New technology. Also, the slaves were treated terrible because of the slave's skin color or their race. The south was using the slaves to do the work for them. The south made the slaves work on the cotton Gin. Being a slave in the south was hard. Also, it was hard because when the slaves got married most of the slaves would have been sold to trade or to buy goods from that slave by selling that slave.
She associates her conditions to those of slaves because she realizes that instead of being treated as a free person, who came to America by themselves, she was treated inferior to slaves, she could not complain and work how she wanted to and would love to. She wanted to be free at her work, but she was treated as the slave with any power it was like submission. In her complaint, she realized that slaves were treated better than her, yet she would not accept to be like a slave because she was not. In her opinion, it is unacceptable to her that they beliefs in God and treat people like worse than slaves for something she decided to do, was unbelievable. She also talks about how we proclaim ourselves as a free God-chosen nation, but the women
During the Pre Civil War Era (1840’s), slavery of African American people was already existed. Throughout the country the concept of slavery was widespread to every state, but primarily slavery was located in the South. They were enslaved on farms, large plantation, inside homes, out in the fields, industry, transportation. These people are considered as a property, they were forced to be slaves because they were black. These slaves were forced to be property using violence and threat. The most common threat is that the slaves will be separated from their family, murdered or even put into an auction. Slaves were often followed by the constant fear of being sold to other masters. Majority of slaves in South worked and lived in cotton plantation where it employs number of slaves, possible hundred. The master didn’t provide decent bedding and clothing, they usually sleep in a barn that was non resistance to bad weather condition and diseases. The slaves that worked in plantation are easily prone to sickness due to the blistering heat, unsanitary condition, insufficient nutrition, lack of rest since they were constantly forced to work even when they are