
What Are The Disadvantages Of Weight Watchers

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Pasta, pizza, cheese, even ice cake. You can have what you want under Weight Watchers diet – provided you're willing to count the points. Each food is designated a number of points, and foods that fill your stomach and satisfy your hunger have less points than foods that are just empty calories and provide high energy.
This diet is accompanied by lifestyle change program made to help you learn how to eat healthier and become more energetic, so you lose the weight for a better health
Weight Watchers plan states that people who follow the Points Plus plan can expect to lose 2 or 3 pounds a week. Research shows that this rate of weight loss leads to long-term success.
Weight Watchers also recently launched a 2-week starter …show more content…

1 in this category. They also appreciated the program’s support system, which helps dieters keep the pounds off.
Researchers were impressed with the nutritional quality of Weight Watchers, scoring it higher than most other plans. They said the program promotes healthy, balanced eating. It’s in accordance with the recommendations for fat, protein and carb consumption, and getting enough of all the important nutrients.
Easy to Follow
No other diet outperformed Weight Watchers on this measure. Why? You’ll get enough to eat, you don’t have to eliminate any favourites, and there’s a strong emphasis on emotional support, which tends to lead to higher compliance.
Weight Watchers got high points for being safe. Dieters don’t have to worry about health problems such as not getting enough key nutrients or losing weight too quickly. No indications of serious side effects have surfaced, and the program is good for almost everyone.
Lowering LDL
Research indicates Weight Watchers helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels – both risk factors for heart disease. As a result the program stacked up fairly well against other heart-healthy

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