
What Are The Effects Of Living In A Dystopian Society

Decent Essays

Imagine being in a world, where all you think about is fear. You don't have a personality of your own. Your whole life is an upside down roller coaster. You would be living in a Dystopian society. A Dystopian society is a horribly unpleasant place in which everything goes wrong. Authors use Dystopian society's a lot in novels. Imagine if the world was one giant Dystopian Fiction. A Dystopian Fiction could have many negative effects on the world.

One of the many negative effects could be violence. In a Dystopia, there can be a lot of violence because nobody is happy. Everybody is in so much fear. While writing Dystopian novels, an author "magnifies disturbing trends" seen in their own time. The author uses things that have happened in the past. Some of the most famous novels "revolve around the downside of human intervention in health and genetics". …show more content…

Individuality is when somebody loses their personality. Everyone is always the same and nobody can be unique in their own way. An example of this is in the book A Wrinkle in Time. When Meg, Calvin, and Charles are in Camazotz, they find that everybody must rely on a schedule and must do exactly the same as everyone else in their town. A quote taken from this novel is "Camazotz is One Mind". This quote is saying that everybody is one or the same. Another quote from the book is "“Like and equal are not the same thing at all". This is what the leader of Camazotz said to the main character,

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