
What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Colony

Decent Essays

Our colony has prospered greatly. The colony has a worry-free environment. People can go out and not be afraid of getting hurt. The laws in place insure peace, justice, and equality. The education provides citizens of all ages the knowledge to take care of themselves. Families no longer have to worry about poverty. Adults and children never felt hunger or pain. They will never feel loneliness or grief. They never have to worry about living on streets. Citizens never endured the true cold of the winter. The people don’t question their government. The colony is the perfect place to live. The colony is kept in order with the laws in place. The laws prevents anything unfavorable from occurring in the peaceful colony. None of the citizens have ever been exposed to crime and injustice. If a crime should occur, the punishment would be given according to what they have done. In a very severe case, the punishment could be death. If the criminal were to come forward for chastisement, their punishment can and will be reduced. The criminal’s punishment could be reduced in prison with good behavior. There are laws against anything that provokes injustice and chaos. There are laws that prevent murder, theft, abduction, abandonment of a minor, etc. Some crimes are not that severe, so the punishment is given accordingly. …show more content…

Education is mandatory for ages four to twenty-two. After twenty-two, citizens can either continue with their education or get a profession in the colony. Your field of knowledge determines where you work and in what position you are in. To move to a better position in your profession, you can go back to school. The more exceld you are in your field of knowledge, the higher your ranking is in your job. The highly educated can apply for a position in the government. The citizens that are not that bright don’t have such a luxurious profession. Education is key for the colony to stay

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