
What Are The Similarities Between Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton

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Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton Everyone knows that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton don't get along well. There is so many ways that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are different but there are some ways that they are somewhat alike. One of Trump's idea is to build a border wall and get Mexico to pay for it which he will need a new legislation to pay for it. In October, the White House released a long list of hardline immigration measures, including the construction of a border wall. The House narrowly approved legislation to repeal and replace major parts of the affordable care act. The Senate failed to pass several repeal amendments. Trump proposed a sharp reduction in Tax Rates. Trump seems not at all anxious or nervous. He's highly adjusted, he appears calm under pressure. He won’t take criticism personally and is quite pleased with himself as a person. Low of prudence. Trump doesn’t care much for …show more content…

Her campaign predicts her full higher education proposal, which includes some additional debt relief programs will cost $350 billion over 10 years, which she plans to cover by closing tax loopholes for wealthy Americans. She wants to fight for equal pay. Clinton is advocating for the paycheck fairness act. She will not raise middle-class taxes. A nonpartisan tax policy center found that tax revenue would increase by an estimated $1.1 trillion over the next decade under Clinton's plan. She's highly ambitious. She is competitive, wants to win, and wants to be in charge. Her prudence is high. She is detailed oriented and cares about following the rules. She is also, highly bold. Difficult to work with because she feels entitled to special treatment. She was born in Chicago. Grew up there, where her father's textile business provided the family with a comfortable income. Taught at the University of Arkansas law school. She was a lawyer and the first lady of Arkansas and married Bill

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