
What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses

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This company can be identifying seven weaknesses. First, directors and engineers have complete freedom to order raw material for the manufacture of the company’s products. They do this individually according to what they feel is needed using telephone or email contacts. Second, Directors often argue with each other over which is the best supplier for a particular item of raw material John orders similar items at a more expensive price. His supplier is his close golfing friend. He claims that its offers higher quality raw materials.
Third, there have been instances where goods supplied have been found to be faulty and on some recent occasions, raw materials have been received and accepted by NF for which there is no record of an order being placed.
Fourth, in the administration department the staff are overstretched and are doing each other’s jobs to allow cover for holidays.
Fifth, some trade payables have been recorded for raw materials before they have been received and some payables are recorded for raw materials, which have never been received.
Sixth, other orders and receipts of raw materials have been recorded for the wrong amounts of money, wrong suppliers and incorrect quantity of raw materials.
Seventh, trade payables for some raw materials, which were ordered and received in December, were recorded in January.
(a2) First weakness …show more content…

Internal audit and management operations are independent. Internal audit’s independence of executive managements is complying through its functional reporting line to the chair of the audit committee and an administrative reporting line to the chief executive, as the most senior executive. Therefore, when the external auditor making financial reports from the organization to its stakeholders by giving opinion on the report, they can have a better view about the company they are

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